- Is Gouki a F2P deck? : Yes, yes, although farming is a bit difficult, everything can be earned with farming gems.
- Is Gouki suitable for newbies? : Definitely suitable after you read this article of mine.

Instructions for playing Gouki (Link Update)
Sections covered in this guide:
Three Effects! (Skill Card) (69%)

Three Effects! (Skill Card)
Select 1 Link Monster you control, and apply one of the following effects of your choice: ● For one time only until the end of your opponent's next turn, that monster will not be destroyed by battle. ● Until the end of your opponent's next turn, you take no battle damage from attacks involving that monster. ● Increase your Life Points by an amount equal to the ATK of that monster. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
A skill suitable for all Link decks. There are up to 3 very flexible effects, we can choose depending on the situation of the match. There is no exception for Gouki, now Gouki has become a deck full of Link monsters, so it is understandable that this skill is used a lot.
The Main Event: Gouki (Skill Card) (14%)

The Main Event: Gouki (Skill Card)
At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Gouki Suprex," 1, "Gouki Twistcobra," and 1 "Gouki Riscorpio" to your Deck, unless you already have 3 copies of the respective card. Then, add 1 "Gouki The Great Ogre" to your Extra Deck. The following effect can be used once per Duel: Select 1 "Gouki The Great Ogre" you control. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, that monster will not be destroyed in battle. Also, during your opponent's next turn, your opponent cannot select another monster as an attack target while that monster is face-up on the field.
The new skill comes from the character using Gouki, but it doesn't really help Gouki much, adding a card is probably more suitable for f2p people.
The Gouki archetype line includes Warrior EARTH monsters with the sharing ability of adding a Gouki card with a different name from your deck to your hand when sent from the field to the graveyard, resulting in impressive resource retention statue while coercing your opponent. Frequently used Gouki monsters can be summoned normally. Along with their ability to seek each other out, they are very consistent because they don't run the risk of encountering unbeatable beasts. Over time, the backrow controlled version of Gouki became popular in Tournaments and Ranks, showing impressive synergy with Ballista Squad and Enemy Controller as Gouki monsters replenished their power when sacrificed. As mentioned, Gouki can interrupt his opponent's turn and cause death by using Gouki Twistcobra once his opponent's field has been cleared through multiple attacks and timing spells/traps. Exactly. In addition to the backrow version there are currently 2 non-competitive versions of the deck being run: Silent Swordsman , a synchro focused version.
Previously, Gouki was only full of huge ATK buff beaters and a bunch of tech traps, but now Gouki is a deck focusing on LINK. Although they are still beaters with huge ATK, they are more mobile and less dependent on tech cards
Gouki Suprex (x3)

Gouki Suprex
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Gouki" monster from your hand. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Suprex". You can only use this effect of "Gouki Suprex" once per turn.
When normally summoned, Gouki Suprex allows you to special summon another Gouki monster from your hand. The ideal Gouki monster you want to summon is Gouki Twistcobra because of the incredible synergy those two monsters provide when they are on the field at the same time. Gouki Suprex is only played for that reason: to create field presence by swarming the field. If 2 different Gouki monsters are on the field and sent to the Graveyard, you can search those 2 Gouki monsters again, ideally Gouki Suprex and Gouki Twistcobra , allowing you to Summon both again to create Add 1 similar combo.
Gouki Twistcobra (x3)

Gouki Twistcobra
(Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 "Gouki" monster, then target 1 "Gouki" monster you control; it gains ATK equal to the original ATK of the Tributed monster until the end of this turn. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Twistcobra". You can only use each effect of "Gouki Twistcobra" once per turn.
The most optimal field layout for a Gouki deck is to have Gouki Twistcobra on the field along with another Gouki . Arguably the most important card in this deck, Twistcobra's effect allows you to Tribute 1 Gouki on the field to make another Gouki gain the original ATK of the sacrificed monster. When you need to overcome a monster with higher attack power than your own, you can sacrifice Gouki Twistcobra itself or another Gouki monster on the field to increase your attack and search for your next Gouki monster at the same time. to keep his aggression. It's important to note that you should always use boost effects during the damage step when attacking or being attacked due to the fact that many cards and effects cannot activate then. Additionally, if you activate the Gouki Twistcobra effect during the damage step when one of your monsters is attacked, your opponent cannot choose to switch targets. Twistcobra's effect can also be used when facing Gouki monsters . This is very useful when one of your monsters is flipped face-up by the Floodgate Trap Hole .
Gouki Riscorpio (x2)

Gouki Riscorpio
If you control no monsters, or all monsters you control are "Gouki" monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Riscorpio". You can only use this effect of "Gouki Riscorpio" once per turn.
Even though Gouki Riscorpio is a level 5 monster, you can summon it normally without sacrificing if you only control face-up Gouki monsters or you control no monsters. The main reason Gouki Riscorpio is used is to find other Gouki monsters missing for the optimal field setup (Twistcobra along with another Gouki monster) and add it to your hand for continued play. Another reason to include it is its higher ATK of 2300, which is enough to kill other problematic monsters like Aleister the Invoker , Keeper of Dragon Magic , or E lementsaber Molehu in battle without needing a boost from Twistcobra. If you only start with Suprex or Twistcobra in your opening hand, you should look for Riscorpio as it gives you the option of looking for Suprex or Twistcobra when sent to the grave to complete the optimal field set if the deck is sloppy You have 1 of these cards in your next turns.
Gouki Headbatt (x2-x3)

Gouki Headbatt
If this card is in your hand: You can send 1 other "Gouki" monster from your hand to the GY, then target 1 "Gouki" monster you control; Special Summon this card in Defense Position, and if you do, the targeted monster gains 800 ATK until the end of this turn. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Headbatt". You can only use each effect of "Gouki Headbatt" once per turn.
In the previous article it was said: " If Link monsters are released into Duel Links, this deck will switch from a disruptive/control version to a more aggressive version, using Goukis like Gouki Headbatt or Gouki Re-Match (unreleased in Duel Links)." and now this moment has come.
We will often play up to 3 Gouki Headbatts. The special summon ability from the Hand helps us have more monsters to Link. In addition, it also helps us send a Gouki monster from our hand to the grave, thereby activating the search eff and Buff damage. for boss monsters. With this very mobile ability combined with Gouki Re-Match L is a really good thing and that is why it is indispensable in this link version.
Gouki Octostretch (x1)

Gouki Octostretch
If your opponent's monster attacks, during damage calculation (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; the damage you take from that battle is halved. When your opponent activates an effect that would inflict damage to you (even during the Damage Step) (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; the damage you take from that effect is halved. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Octostretch". You can only use this effect of "Gouki Octostretch" once per turn.
Acts as a Hand trap, helping you increase your survival rate by halving the damage you receive, even in the Damage step.
When discarding like that, of course we can Search, defend and search to prepare for the flip in the next phase. That is the reason why we should play x1 this card
Gouki Iron Claw (x0-x1)

Gouki Iron Claw
During the Damage Step, when your "Gouki" monster battles an opponent's monster (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; until the end of this turn, your monster gains 500 ATK, and if it does, it is unaffected by your opponent's card effects. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add 1 "Gouki" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Gouki Iron Claw". You can only use each effect of "Gouki Iron Claw" once per turn.
Gouki Iron Claw is different from other Goukis because you don't want it on the field, instead you want to keep it in your hand so it can unleash its abilities. The ATK boost is great for attacking slightly stronger monsters, but effect immunity is much more useful as it allows you to ignore combat traps like Sea Stealth Attack .
Spell/Trap & Tech
Although the Gouki deck has greatly reduced the amount of Tech, it does not make this deck easier to farm :V. They still need certain techs and spells/traps to farm and scattered Link monsters
Reinforcement of the Army (x1)
New Tech in Bundle with Limit 1. 99% of gouki players will reserve the tech limit 1 slot for this card because we can easily search for 1 gouki for free, making this deck much thinner. Usually used to search for Suprex
Gouki Re-Match (x1)
The brightest point of this new Deck Link is this card. Special summon up to 2 Gouki in defense position --> Link --> search 2. Very strong, isn't it, but we need to have Gouki in the grave and Headbatt will help a lot with that. A Strong spell that is F2P only requires grinding the character's level, so the x1 of this card is 100% without question.
Gouki Finishing Move (x1)

Gouki Finishing Move
Target 1 "Gouki" Link Monster you control; it gains ATK equal to its Link Rating x 1000 until the end of this turn, also if it attacks a Defense Position monster this turn, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. For the rest of this turn after this card resolves, you cannot declare attacks, except with "Gouki" monsters. You can only activate 1 "Gouki Finishing Move" per turn.
True to its name, "Finishing Move" with its ultimate rider kick will almost end your opponent's LP pile. Most of Gouki's boss monsters will be Link 3, which means this Spell card will buff up to 3k damage with additional penetration effects, so no opponent can stand it :V
Dark Hole (x2)
yeah The newest and most annoying Tech :V from the Master side and Duel links, it's still really something very annoying. Most current Meta decks cannot counter Destroy like when Melodious dominated the Meta, so going to Turn 2 and holding a Dark Hole in hand is no different. Just wait for your opponent to turn around and then use Dark Hole (*Boom* surrendering is always a hassle :v)
Cosmic Cyclone and Mystical Space Typhoon (x3)
Cosmic cyclone has been released from Limit 3 so inserting it is OK, not affected much by the 1000 LP deduction.
Although Gouki has ATK and is a strong punching deck, it is poor at dealing with backrows, so x3 slots for clear backrow cards are relatively necessary.
Book of Moon (x2)
D.D. Crow (x1-x3)
Necrovalley is no longer the perfect choice for GOUKI because now this deck is quite dependent on graves such as using Headbatt and Re-match. So how to deal with Decks that use graves like Phantom-Knights,... That is DD Crow, carrying quick eff and banish very quickly so currently DD Crow is a top Hand Card that is used a lot. much
Expendable Dai (x2)
Unlike Warning Point, this is a fairly new trap card and quite suitable for Gouki. Although it is a Card exchange when having to tribute a Warrior-type monster (corresponding to 1 Gouki), it is quite reasonable when we can activate effects in the grave (Search) and get 1 free Draw.
Extra Deck
This new Extra deck will be completely different from the old Extra (Nothing is the same :V)
Knightmare Unicorn (x1)

Knightmare Unicorn
Link Arrow:
2+ monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card on the field; shuffle it into the Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Unicorn" once per turn. While any co-linked "Knightmare" monsters are on the field, for your normal draw in your Draw Phase, draw 1 card for each different card name among those co-linked "Knightmare" monsters, instead of drawing just 1 card.
Yeah, a very good Link Card that is very new. When I play Master Duel, Knightmare Unicorn always takes up 1 slot in my extra =)). Link Summoning from 2+ monsters with different names is not difficult for Gouki. In addition to exchanging cards by Discard (usually Discard gouki to search) and return, it can even help us a lot in drawing ability (If this card is Co-Linked).
Knightmare Mermaid (x1)

Knightmare Mermaid
Link Arrow:
1 "Knightmare" monster, except "Knightmare Mermaid" If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 "Knightmare" monster from your Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Mermaid" once per turn. Monsters on the field lose 1000 ATK/DEF, unless they are co-linked.
A very strong card that is banned in all other formats but is only limited to 2 in Duel Links. If we mix with Knightmare, we can summon for free, but in the case of playing with this Gouki, we will mostly use it to combine with other Knightmare in the Extra deck and reduce the enemy monster's ATK by 1000, making it easy to kill. them more.
Knightmare Phoenix (x1)

Knightmare Phoenix
Link Arrow:
2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.
Also one of the newly released Knightmare, a card that is quite popular in other Formats, exchanging cards to destroy enemy Backrows and having draw effects like many other Knightmare in Extra.
Gouki Thunder Ogre (x1)

Gouki Thunder Ogre
Link Arrow:
2+ "Gouki" monsters If a monster(s) this card points to is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can make this card gain 400 ATK. The turn player applies the following effect while this monster is on the field. ● During their Main Phase, they can Normal Summon 1 monster from their hand to their zone this card points to, in addition to their Normal Summon/Set. (They can only gain this effect once per turn.)
One of Gouki's Link 3 bosses. Although it doesn't have a spectacular appearance or too high ATK, it can easily be buffed, and also helps us get 1 free Normal summon.
But be careful because you can kill yourself with this card because one of Thunder Ogre's Arrows will point to the opponent's field (Giving them an extra turn of Normal summon). So be alert when choosing a position. Position and time to summon this card.
Gouki Jet Ogre (x2)

Gouki Jet Ogre
Link Arrow:
2 "Gouki" monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 "Gouki" card you control; destroy it, and if you do, change all monsters on the field to face-up Attack Position. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can make all "Gouki" monsters you currently control gain 500 ATK until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Gouki Jet Ogre" once per turn.
Link 2 is extremely easy to summon, sending 2 Goukis to the grave for Link means we will get 2 searches. We often use this card to Link to Link 3, so it also helps us buff 500 ATK for free on all Gouki monsters we control on the field.
In addition, we can exchange 1 Gouki (with 1 search) in exchange for converting all monsters on the field into attack position (easy to kill if the opponent spams too many defensive monsters and we don't have Finishing Move)
Gouki The Great Ogre (x1)
ATK is stable with the appearance of VKL lettuce
When summoned, it also reduces the ATK of all enemy monsters (even greatly reduced if the enemy monster has high defense like Blue Eyes). You can also protect yourself by sacrificing allies: V
Gouki The Master Ogre (x1)

Gouki The Master Ogre
Link Arrow:
2+ "Gouki" monsters Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can return to the hand any number of "Gouki" monsters you control that this card points to, then target the same number of face-up cards your opponent controls; they have their effects negated until the end of this turn. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. If your opponent controls a face-up monster(s), this card can only target their monster with the highest ATK for attacks (your choice, if tied).
I think this is Gouki's Main card, worthy of being a Boss. In addition to the fact that this is a Link 4 card (Can be buffed up to 4000 ATK with Finishing Move), its original ATK is also among the highest among the Goukis.
The ability to Negate quick Effect up to 2 monsters on the opponent's field (if we place the Goukis in the right place for it to point at) is also an ability to cause difficulty and slow down the enemy's attacks. Punching all monsters on the field without using a Finishing Move is also a great way to clear the path and end the game.
Missus Radiant (x1)

Missus Radiant
Link Arrow:
2 EARTH monsters All EARTH monsters on the field gain 500 ATK and DEF, also all WIND monsters on the field lose 400 ATK and DEF. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target 1 EARTH monster in your GY; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Missus Radiant" once per turn.
All Gouki Monsters are Earth, so Link's summon produces this card Ez. Buffs an additional 500 ATK, although not much, but easy to link. Depending on the situation, we can also get 1 card back from the grave.
A few other cards
Necrovalley (x1)
Necrovalley is a perfect counter for many decks since most current meta decks rely on graves to make plays. What could be better than not allowing them to touch their graves for the entire match? Using Necrovalley against a deck that requires a grave such as Shiranui ensures that they get rid of Necrovalley first, which gives your backrow extra protection. The only downside to this card is that many decks now play Cosmic Cyclone or a trap card like Ballista Squad or Bad Aim , which means many decks may have a way to deal with Necrovalley .
Ballista Squad (x2)
Ballista Squad is a trap card that sees a lot of play in both Gouki and Shiranui because of its synergy with both decks. The reason this trap card is so powerful is because it essentially allows for free destruction of one of your opponent's cards on the field and also allows for the search effect of the sacrificed Gouki to be activated. This is probably the best tech for the deck and is recommended. It helps set up your next play while clearing your opponent's field! Knowing when to use a trap is key as you'll be vulnerable to a direct attack if you use it to sacrifice the only monster on the field.
Super Team Buddy Force Unite! (x2)

Super Team Buddy Force Unite!
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or GY, with the same original Type as that monster's, but with a different original name. If this card in its owner's Spell & Trap Zone is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can Set 1 "Super Team Buddy Force Unite!" directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone.
This is a great resurrection card for any deck with monsters of a single type. Basically, you can revive a beast for free as long as it's not a copy of the one you targeted. This card has no limit on the level of the monster you revive, so you can use it to put Riscorpio on the field. And placing any Gouki on the field will let you use Twistcobra's effect. It even replenishes itself when destroyed.
Fiendish Chain and Light-Imprisoning Mirror (x1-x2)
- Usually, if you're a newbie, the easiest way to chain monsters is to use Light-Imprisoning Mirror , but in the long run, you'll realize you want to use Fiendish Chain more because of the ability to disable both effects and chains as well. even your opponent's monsters.
Options used to push damage

Gagaga Samurai
2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 "Gagaga" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. When another monster you control is targeted for an attack while this card is in Attack Position: You can change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, change the attack target to this card and perform damage calculation.
These are damage pushing options that can be used to replace each other. For example, Zubaba General can replace Excalibur as the General's ATK can permanently increase based on the ATK of the card it equips. Samurai can replace Ninja, although its stats are a bit weaker than Ninja.
Daigusto Emeral, Wind-Up Zenmaines and Gagaga Cowboy (Other useful Xyz)

Gagaga Cowboy
2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; apply this effect, depending on this card's current battle position. ● Attack Position: If this card attacks an opponent's monster this turn, it gains 1000 ATK, also the opponent's monster loses 500 ATK, during the Damage Step only. ● Defense Position: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent.
- Cowboy is one of the most consistent Rank-4 cards. It can sometimes win with its burn damage. And the attack position effect can also be useful for attacking your opponents.
- Zenmaines is a nasty wall to overcome because your opponent also risks triggering its removal effect. Additionally, being protected from destructive impacts is very helpful. So your field is relatively safe unless your opponent has something to remove non-destructively.
- Emeral is mainly used to recycle used Gouki for a better turn next time.