Instructions for playing Dinos

Instructions for playing Dinos

Going by the timeline, mechanical dinosaurs ( Dinomist ) are looking quite hot on the top tier tables in Duel Links. But before that, the normal Dinosaur lines ( Dinos ) also had equal strength with every other meta line on the top tier and it is still like that now. Please join me through this tutorial to learn about the games of Dinos .



Dinos was one of the first meta decks in Duel Links to use the Dinosaur Kingdom skill to raise your Dino Monsters to 1900 ATK, but they failed due to not having enough support. With the resurgence of Lightsworn tools and cards like Block Dragon and Volcanic Wall , Dinos can easily send cards to the grave and banish them for cards like Tyranno Infinity . In certain builds, Dinos has recently become more combo oriented and has re-entered the meta as a dark horse when it comes to both the KoG (King of Games) title and tournaments.


The following will be the acronyms in this article, partly because the names of the dinosaurs are too long, sometimes you will get confused, so instead, looking at the acronyms will help you more. somehow.
  • Survival's End = SE
  • Miscellaneousaurus = Miscel
  • Babycerasaurus = Baby
  • Charge of the Light Brigade = CoLB
  • Jurrac Dino = JDino

Introducing the deck

The entire deck focuses on sending cards to your grave via the Lightsworn engine including lots of Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn and Multiply Charge of the Light Brigade by two . These builds also focus on using cards like Needlebug Nest and Volcanic Wall to dump as many Dinosaurs into the grave as possible to fuel Miscellaneousaurus . The deck also centers around the card Survival's End , which pairs well with Paleozoics sets like Paleozoic Canadia and Paleozoic Marrella . The deck has slow to mid-range play, depending on how you use SE in conjunction with Paleozoics Traps to summon 2 or more Dinoes at once.



Straight to the Grave and Dinosaur Kingdom (80%)

Straight to the Grave
Straight to the Grave
Straight to the Grave
Straight to the Grave
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

[At the start of the Duel, place this card in your Field Zone and flip it over.] All Dinosaur, Zombie, and Rock monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF.

Dinosaur Kingdom
Dinosaur Kingdom
Dinosaur Kingdom
Dinosaur Kingdom
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

All Dinosaur monsters gain 300 ATK/DEF.

Both of these skills work the same, increasing the ATK of Dinosaur monsters significantly. However, compared to Dinosaur Kingdom , Straight to the Grave will provide 100 points less ATK, but no matter how you choose, choose according to what you have.

The Tie that Binds (60%)

The Tie that Binds
The Tie that Binds
The Tie that Binds
The Tie that Binds
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

Until the end of your turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This Skill can only be used once per turn.

This skill's ability to increase ATK is quite situational, but the maximum is 300 ATK, like 1 Dinosaur Kingdom . However, this skill is activated multiple times in a match, very useful and sometimes more useful than Dinosaur Kingdom because it cannot be destroyed and prevented by your opponent.

Labyrinth Builder (Skill Card) (50%)

UR Rarity
Labyrinth Builder (Skill Card)
UR Rarity
Labyrinth Builder (Skill Card)
Labyrinth Builder (Skill Card)
Labyrinth Builder (Skill Card)
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

Shuffle 2 cards from your hand into the Deck to create 'Labyrinth Wall' on your side of the field. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Many of you will wonder why you have to play this skill??? The answer is only 1, Survival's End . This skill gives you 1 normal monster, fueling SE to activate its effects. Not only that, but it also gives you a shield, a huge wall to protect your LP.

Harpies' Hunting Ground (Skill Card) (80%)

UR Rarity
Harpies' Hunting Ground (Skill Card)
UR Rarity
Harpies' Hunting Ground (Skill Card)
Harpies' Hunting Ground (Skill Card)
Harpies' Hunting Ground (Skill Card)
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

Can only be used at the beginning of the Main Phase of your first turn. Return 1 card fronm your hand to your Deck and place 1 "Harpies' Hunting Ground" to your Field Zone from your Deck. If you control a Field Spell, place it in the Graveyard.

Using this skill does not mean that the deck must necessarily use Harpies , but it is also quite smart to use it against opponents using the main Harpie line, this card will quickly Destroy their backrow without your touch. Sometimes, using it to destroy your backrow is also fine, thus providing your grave with Paleozoics in the grave to activate their summon ability for SE.



Miscellaneousaurus (3x)

UR Rarity
UR Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 1800

  • DEF:

  • 1000

During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

Miscellaneousaurus is another card that differentiates this deck from other regular beater decks. Keep it in hand for a powerful first effect, essentially making your Dinoes immune to your opponent's effects for the entire Main Phase (At first glance, it looks like a Dino's own handtrap). Use this card before you summon anything to protect against Floodgate Trap Hole or BoM .

The grave effect can allow you to summon one of your fighters if you have 4 Dinoes in the grave. Otherwise, you can choose to summon Baby and then destroy it with Survival's End . It's best to use Giant Rex as a removal cost so it can respawn on its own.

Babycerasaurus (3x)

R Rarity
R Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 500

If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

Babycerasaurus is the best target for Survival's End 's destruction effect because it allows you to search for monsters from your deck during the destruction effect.

While using three of the copies of this card will help you more in long battles, I find that 2 is optimal, since you want to Special Summon it from the Deck and you don't want to see it in my opening post. This is also an important card that you want to summon with SE because you can use SE's GY effect to turn on Baby and 1 of your opponent's cards, summoning cards like Tyranno Infinity , Miscel or Giant Rex to eliminate Removed Baby 's effect. You can also use it to Synchro Summon with Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn to create a Level 6 Synchro.

Giant Rex (1x)

UR Rarity
Giant Rex
UR Rarity
Giant Rex
Giant Rex
Giant Rex
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 1200

Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

This is one of the main monsters you will summon with Survival's End , as it will Special Summon itself when banished from Miscel 's GY effect. You will only want to use 1-2 copies of it because you want to see it in the grave but not in your hand most of the time. Additionally, the self-revive effect makes Giant Rex a great Xyz material.

Hyper Hammerhead (1x)

SR Rarity
Hyper Hammerhead
SR Rarity
Hyper Hammerhead
Hyper Hammerhead
Hyper Hammerhead
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 1200

At the end of the Damage Step, if an opponent's monster that battled this card is not destroyed: Return that opponent's monster to the hand.

Used as a hitter, although its stats are below average. However, its effects make it worth using for quick removal. This allows you to escape massive walls like Invoked Cocytus and Wind-Up Zenmaines without wasting resources. You can also stab Hammerhead into a key monster to escape it, but in return you will have to take a lot of damage.

Tyranno Infinity (2x)

R Rarity
Tyranno Infinity
R Rarity
Tyranno Infinity
Tyranno Infinity
Tyranno Infinity
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

This is the main beater of the deck. The more Dinosaurs you banish from Miscel or Block Dragon , the more damage you can deal in one hit. This is also a good Level 4 to get into for your Xyz Rank 4 plays.

Gilasaurus (2-3x)

SR Rarity
SR Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 1400

  • DEF:

  • 400

You can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If Summoned this way: Activate this effect; your opponent can Special Summon 1 monster from their GY.

This is also a Core card you can consider adding to your deck as its special summoning effect is quite helpful in some cases. Not to mention, if your opponent's field is too jammed, this summon is considered free for you and you can also summon countless more times.

Overtex Qoatlus (1x)

SR Rarity
Overtex Qoatlus
SR Rarity
Overtex Qoatlus
Overtex Qoatlus
Overtex Qoatlus
  • ATK:

  • 2700

  • DEF:

  • 2100

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by shuffling 5 of your banished Dinosaur monsters into the Main Deck. Once per turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card (Quick Effect): You can destroy 1 Dinosaur monster in your hand or face-up on your field, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy that card. If this card is sent to the GY by a card effect: You can add 1 "Evolution Pill" Spell from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Overtex Qoatlus" once per turn.

Due to its current rarity, newbies can only have 1 copy of this card at most. It would be good to get this dino, as it can negate the opponent's Magic and Trap activation by shooting out another Dino (it's likely you'll get value from the Babycerasaurus ). Overtex can also search for Double Evolution Pill when sent to GY by card effects (including your Lightsworn tool). Additionally, its summon condition can allow you to recover some resources by shuffling 5 of your banished Dinoes.

Megalosmasher X and Sabersaurus (Lựa chọn các Normal Dino)

SR Rarity
Megalosmasher X
SR Rarity
Megalosmasher X
Megalosmasher X
Megalosmasher X
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 0

With its sound-baffling armor and gargantuan jaws, this primeval predator's phosphorescence was the only possible pardon for its primitive prey.

R Rarity
R Rarity
  • ATK:

  • 1900

  • DEF:

  • 500

This normally gentle dinosaur enjoys relaxing in its nest in the prairies. If it becomes angered, it turns terribly ferocious.

These are the only Normal Dinoes you will need to play in the deck. You can play these cards to use Survival's End in your field (you can also summon it from Babycerasaurus to make your SE active). Alternatively, you can play Megalosmasher X if you want an extra 100 ATK, but only if you're not playing Block Dragon .

Fossil Dig (1x)

UR Rarity
Fossil Dig
UR Rarity
Fossil Dig
Fossil Dig
Spell Normal
Fossil Dig

    Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

    Fossil Dig is a simple Magic card with a very powerful effect that allows you to search for any of your Dinoes, acting as an expansion card (usually used to search for Miscel ).

    Double Evolution Pill (1x)

    UR Rarity
    Double Evolution Pill
    UR Rarity
    Double Evolution Pill
    Double Evolution Pill
    Spell Normal
    Double Evolution Pill

      Banish 1 Dinosaur monster and 1 non-Dinosaur monster from your hand and/or GY; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Dinosaur monster from your hand or Deck, ignoring its Summoning conditions. You can only activate 1 "Double Evolution Pill" per turn.

      This Spell card is used to summon Overtex Qoatlus from the deck by banishing one Dinosaur and one non-Dinosaur from the hand or graveyard. This becomes useful for expelling the Giant Rex or refueling the Tyranno Infinity . Pill and Qoatlus are often used together as a package in alternative builds.

      Survival's End (3x)

      SR Rarity
      Survival's End
      SR Rarity
      Survival's End
      Survival's End
      Trap Normal
      Survival's End

        Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

        One of the important cards of this deck. The introduction of the Xyz mechanic makes Survival's End much more flexible. Specifically, there is a field overflow effect that you can use to put Xyz materials on the field.

        The first effect of Survival's End allows you to destroy all Normal monsters on the field, especially effective against decks with a lot of Normal monsters like Blue-Eyes . However, to make Survival's End effective even against decks that don't use Normal monsters, you'll need to destroy your own Normal monsters. This is where Tokens and Paleozoics come in handy. They are treated as Normal monsters on the field, so you can destroy them with S urvival's End to special summon Dinosaurs from your deck.

        The second effect allows you to destroy a Dinosaur monster you control along with any cards on your opponent's field. This is a good interrupt effect and gives additional utility to SE while in the grave.


        The Engines that I am about to introduce below can all be used very well in this deck and can be combined and accompanied with each other. Sometimes a Dino set will use up to 2-3 Engines.

        Các Lightsworn

        SR Rarity
        Charge of the Light Brigade
        SR Rarity
        Charge of the Light Brigade
        Charge of the Light Brigade
        Spell Normal
        Charge of the Light Brigade

          Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from your Deck to your hand.

          R Rarity
          Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
          R Rarity
          Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
          Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
          LIGHT 3
          Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
          • ATK:

          • 1000

          • DEF:

          • 1000

          Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster in your GY; Special Summon that target. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY.

          SR Rarity
          Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
          SR Rarity
          Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
          Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
          LIGHT 4
          Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
          • ATK:

          • 1700

          • DEF:

          • 1000

          During your Main Phase: You can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then if any "Lightsworn" monsters were sent to the GY by this effect, this card gains 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.

          R Rarity
          Solar Recharge
          R Rarity
          Solar Recharge
          Solar Recharge
          Spell Normal
          Solar Recharge

            Discard 1 "Lightsworn" monster; draw 2 cards, then send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.

            This deck has a lot of effects that trigger from the grave making the Lightsworn tool a great fit to go with.

            • Unlike other Lightsworn monsters, Raiden allows you to mill cards quickly during the Main Phase so you can immediately use your setup. Additionally, Raiden is an additional Tuner for the Synchro Version of this deck.
            • Lumina revives Raiden to instantly create level 7 Synchro. The fold cost allows you to remove Carboneddon from your hand.
            • Charge of the Light Brigade is an instant grave setting and a Lightsworn monster search card. Early in the game, it's best to look for Raiden to set up more. If you have Raiden in your grave, you can choose to search for Lumina and summon her to create a level 7 Synchro.
            • Solar Recharge is another good Magic card besides CoLB for setting graves. If you have both Lumina and Raiden available, drop Raiden as a cost to set up a Synchro play.

            Paleozoic Marrella and Paleozoic Canadia (Các Paleozoic)

            N Rarity
            Paleozoic Marrella
            N Rarity
            Paleozoic Marrella
            Paleozoic Marrella
            Trap Normal
            Paleozoic Marrella

              Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

              UR Rarity
              Paleozoic Canadia
              UR Rarity
              Paleozoic Canadia
              Paleozoic Canadia
              Trap Normal
              Paleozoic Canadia

                Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                Paleozoic Traps can be special summoned like Normal monsters when you activate a Trap card. This allows you to summon them when Survival's End is activated. Since their summoning occurs first, they will be destroyed by the effect of Survival's End , allowing you to summon additional Dinosaur monsters from your deck.

                • In addition, Paleozoics also have their own good effects when used as Traps on the field. Paleozoic Canadia is good for defense and blocking your opponent's monster effects by turning them face down.
                • Paleozoic Marrella can mill any Trap from your deck. Mill a Paleozoic monster to set up before you activate Survival's End . Or you can use SE to instantly get its second effect.

                When Paleozoics are special summoned by their own effect, they are banished when they leave the field. SE also banishes itself from your grave when you use its second effect.
                Another thing to note about Paleozoics is that they are immune to beast effects when treated as beasts.

                Các Invoked

                UR Rarity
                Aleister the Invoker
                UR Rarity
                Aleister the Invoker
                Aleister the Invoker
                DARK 4
                Aleister the Invoker
                • ATK:

                • 1000

                • DEF:

                • 1800

                (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Fusion Monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: You can add 1 "Invocation" from your Deck to your hand.

                UR Rarity
                Invoked Purgatrio
                UR Rarity
                Invoked Purgatrio
                Invoked Purgatrio
                FIRE 7
                Invoked Purgatrio
                • ATK:

                • 2300

                • DEF:

                • 2000

                "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 FIRE monster This card gains 200 ATK for each card your opponent controls. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

                SR Rarity
                Invoked Magellanica
                SR Rarity
                Invoked Magellanica
                Invoked Magellanica
                EARTH 8
                Invoked Magellanica
                • ATK:

                • 3000

                • DEF:

                • 3300

                "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 EARTH monster

                R Rarity
                R Rarity
                Spell Normal

                  Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand as Fusion Material. If Summoning an "Invoked" Fusion Monster this way, you can also banish monsters from your field and/or either player's GY as Fusion Material. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 of your banished "Aleister the Invoker"; shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, add that card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Invocation" once per turn.

                  Based on this Engine, we can guess that the purpose is only to fuse the Dino into Magellanica or Purgatrio . In addition, to add fuel to this Engine line, you can use Survival's End to replenish Dino graves and fuse them with Invocation or Necroid Fusion . Or you can use it with Jurassic Tuners to flexibly use both Synchro and Fusion. Your opponent will definitely have to sit and think about how to overcome your too diverse monsters, while you are sure to win with the Invoked .



                  Guardragon Justicia and Carboneddon (1x)

                  N Rarity
                  Guardragon Justicia
                  N Rarity
                  Guardragon Justicia
                  Guardragon Justicia
                  WATER 2
                  Guardragon Justicia
                  • ATK:

                  • 0

                  • DEF:

                  • 2100

                  ''The fate of the World depends on the Guardragons, born from the World Legacy.''

                  SR Rarity
                  SR Rarity
                  EARTH 3
                  • ATK:

                  • 800

                  • DEF:

                  • 600

                  If this card battles a FIRE monster, during damage calculation: This card gains 1000 ATK during damage calculation only. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Special Summon, from your hand or Deck, 1 Level 7 or lower Dragon-Type Normal Monster in face-up Defense Position. You can only use this effect of "Carboneddon" once per turn.

                  Carboneddon is used for its secondary effect, which allows you to special summon 1 Normal Dragon from your deck on request. With this, you can special summon Justicia to summon Synchro quickly.

                  Jurrac Dino (2x)

                  N Rarity
                  Jurrac Dino
                  N Rarity
                  Jurrac Dino
                  Jurrac Dino
                  FIRE 3
                  Jurrac Dino
                  • ATK:

                  • 1700

                  • DEF:

                  • 800

                  Once during each player's End Phase, if this card destroyed an opponent's monster by battle this turn, you can Tribute 1 "Jurrac" monster to draw 2 cards.

                  As a Dinosaur and a Tuner, it is also very useful to special summon from the combos of this deck and create a level 7 Synchro. In addition, Jurrac Dino can be used after going to the grave as a material. for fusion to create Invoked monsters.

                  When combined with the Dinosaur Kingdom skill, JDino will have ATK up to 2000, enough to destroy an opponent's low-level monster. If it does that, it will sacrifice itself so you can draw 2 more cards.

                  Block Dragon (1-2x)

                  SR Rarity
                  Block Dragon
                  SR Rarity
                  Block Dragon
                  Block Dragon
                  EARTH 8
                  Block Dragon
                  • ATK:

                  • 2500

                  • DEF:

                  • 3000

                  Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 3 EARTH monsters from your hand and/or GY. Rock monsters you control cannot be destroyed, except by battle. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add up to 3 Rock monsters from your Deck to your hand, whose total Levels equal 8. You can only use this effect of "Block Dragon" once per turn.

                  With the grave setup from the Lightsworn tool, you can use this tech with a copy of Block Dragon to get on the field immediately. Ideally, Block Dragon should banish Giant Rex , triggering its inherent respawn effect and flooding your field in just one turn. Repeated banishment also helps increase the power of Tyranno Infinity .

                  Sadly, you won't be able to use search effects since most of your monsters are Dinosaurs.

                  Stegocyber (1-2x)

                  UR Rarity
                  UR Rarity
                  DARK 6
                  • ATK:

                  • 1200

                  • DEF:

                  • 2400

                  During damage calculation, if your opponent's monster attacks while this card is in your Graveyard: You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon this card, and if you do, you take no battle damage from that battle, but banish this card when it leaves the field (this is a Quick Effect). You can only use this effect of "Stegocyber" once per turn.

                  A pretty good tech if sent to the grave by card mill tools like Lightsworn 's. Providing you with extra protection because you never know when you will be bricked, using this card will help you somewhat protect the field without your opponent having time to react. In addition, the banishment effect when leaving the field also refills Tyranno Infinity's ATK quite a bit.

                  Volcanic Wall (1x)

                  UR Rarity
                  Volcanic Wall
                  UR Rarity
                  Volcanic Wall
                  Volcanic Wall
                  Spell Continuous
                  Volcanic Wall

                    Once per turn: You can send 3 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict 250 damage to your opponent for each Pyro-Type monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect. You cannot declare an attack during the turn you activate this effect.

                    This magic card will help you mill up to 3 cards from the deck and deal up to 750 damage effects to your opponent (useful in some cases) but the cost is too great so you cannot attack. . However, milling cards also partly helps add more Dinoes to your grave for future plays and summons.

                    Breakthrough Skill (2x)

                    UR Rarity
                    Breakthrough Skill
                    UR Rarity
                    Breakthrough Skill
                    Breakthrough Skill
                    Trap Normal
                    Breakthrough Skill

                      Target 1 face-up Effect Monster your opponent controls; that face-up monster your opponent controls has its effects negated until the end of this turn. During your turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up Effect Monster your opponent controls; that target has its effects negated until the end of this turn.

                      Given the current meta that relies too much on the effects of their key monsters, Breakthrough Skill might be the best tech card to put in your deck to push those pesky monsters away. However, its second effect is quite slow as you have to wait your turn to use it. Therefore, you should put at least 2 copies of it in the deck because of the situation of the game.

                      Fossil Excavation (2-3x)

                      SR Rarity
                      Fossil Excavation
                      SR Rarity
                      Fossil Excavation
                      Fossil Excavation
                      Trap Continuous
                      Fossil Excavation

                        Activate this card by discarding 1 card, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. Negate the effects of that monster on the field. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

                        I introduce this card in the Tech section partly to let you know of its existence in the game, and secondly to let you know that you can use this card to revive a Dino from the grave, although Our playstyle is to banish as many Dinoes as possible, but it's always useful when you want to summon Synchro during the turn you need without having to use confusing zigzag combos.

                        However, its only weakness is that it is only sent to the grave when the monster it summoned IS destroyed or it ITSELF is destroyed or leaves the field. As such, it will not disappear even if the summoned monster leaves the field (summoned to another monster or banished), resulting in being turned off your field.

                        Fiendish Chain (2-3x)

                        UR Rarity
                        Fiendish Chain
                        UR Rarity
                        Fiendish Chain
                        Fiendish Chain
                        Trap Continuous
                        Fiendish Chain

                          Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.

                          If you don't have the Breakthrough Skill , this will be a great alternative. Although both cards are difficult, they both help you fight meta currents.

                          Needlebug Nest (1x)

                          R Rarity
                          Needlebug Nest
                          R Rarity
                          Needlebug Nest
                          Needlebug Nest
                          Trap Normal
                          Needlebug Nest

                            Send the top 5 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                            If you want to mill cards quickly and quickly, use this card, guaranteed to give you 5 ingredients for your grave.

                            Extra Deck - Synchro

                            Most of your Synchro monsters are generic level 7 and 8 created with Raiden and the Dino Tuner options I introduced.

                            Các lựa chọn Synchro cấp 8

                            UR Rarity
                            Stardust Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Stardust Dragon
                            Stardust Dragon
                            WIND 8
                            Stardust Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters When a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. During the End Phase, if this effect was activated this turn (and was not negated): You can Special Summon this card from your GY.

                            UR Rarity
                            Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
                            UR Rarity
                            Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
                            Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
                            WIND 8
                            Cyber Slash Harpie Lady
                            • ATK:

                            • 2600

                            • DEF:

                            • 1400

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters For this card's Synchro Summon, you can treat 1 "Harpie" monster you control as a Tuner. This card's name becomes "Harpie Lady" while on the field or in the GY. When a Spell/Trap Card or effect is activated (except during the Damage Step) (Quick Effect): You can target 1 monster your opponent controls or 1 "Harpie" monster you control; return it to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Cyber Slash Harpie Lady" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Stardust Spark Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Stardust Spark Dragon
                            Stardust Spark Dragon
                            LIGHT 8
                            Stardust Spark Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can target 1 face-up card you control; once during this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.

                            UR Rarity
                            Scrap Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Scrap Dragon
                            Scrap Dragon
                            EARTH 8
                            Scrap Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2800

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. When this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card and sent to your GY: Target 1 non-Synchro "Scrap" monster in your GY; Special Summon that target.

                            Actually, there are not many suitable level 8 Synchro options to use for this deck, but there are a few options that you will feel are quite good and need to put in your Extra Deck.

                            • Scrap Dragon is a really good utility Synchro that can be used to pop your own Babycerasaurus or Survival's End to gain more advantage and pop a card your opponent controls. The second effect is unlikely, but it's still a puncher with 2800 ATK that's very easy to do with Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn .
                            • Cyber ​​Slash Harpie Lady is also a monster that is widely used in some decks. The ability to return a monster to your opponent's hand is undeniably the most stable ability in the game. Therefore, having 1 copy of it in the deck also helps you feel more secure to take your turn after your opponent's turn.
                            • Stardust Dragon is like an anti of this deck. It prevents the destructive effects of Dinoes but can also prevent the destructive effects of enemy monsters. That's why putting this card in the deck is partly because we have to rely on the current meta.
                            • Stardust Spark Dragon is slightly different from its predecessor. It prevents the destruction of 1 monster you target on your field. Because of this effect, you can use it to protect your key monsters and keep your field from being too empty next turn.

                            Các lựa chọn Synchro cấp 7

                            UR Rarity
                            Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                            UR Rarity
                            Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                            Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                            LIGHT 7
                            Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                            • ATK:

                            • 2600

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 card on the field; banish that target. When this card is destroyed: You can target any number of other "Lightsworn" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them into the Deck, and if you do, you gain 300 LP for each returned card. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

                            R Rarity
                            Samurai Destroyer
                            R Rarity
                            Samurai Destroyer
                            Samurai Destroyer
                            EARTH 7
                            Samurai Destroyer
                            • ATK:

                            • 2600

                            • DEF:

                            • 1400

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card battles an opponent's monster, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step, also that opponent's monster has its effects negated during the Battle Phase only. If this face-up card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 Machine monster in your GY; Special Summon it.

                            SR Rarity
                            Fortune Lady Every
                            SR Rarity
                            Fortune Lady Every
                            Fortune Lady Every
                            LIGHT 7
                            Fortune Lady Every
                            • ATK:

                            • 0

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Spellcaster monsters This card's ATK/DEF become its Level x 400. Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Increase this card's Level by 1 (max. 12), then, you can banish 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. During your opponent's End Phase, if this card is in your GY: You can banish 1 other Spellcaster monster from your GY; Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Fortune Lady Every" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Black Rose Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Black Rose Dragon
                            Black Rose Dragon
                            FIRE 7
                            Black Rose Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2400

                            • DEF:

                            • 1800

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant monster from your GY, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

                            Level 7 Synchro monsters, on the other hand, are quite easy to summon with just Engine Lightsworn or using the Dino Tuner I introduced.

                            • Summon Black Rose Dragon with the sole purpose of eliminating your opponent's entire field setup.
                            • Stable stats and effects that prevent opponents from reacting in battle make Samurai Destroyer a great beater. It also debuffs the monsters it fights, removes inherent buffs, and stops drift effects.
                            • Michael provides unique target banishment removal without requiring any resource costs. The floating effect allows you to return Lightsworn to your deck, preventing running out of cards without ruining your graveyard setup.
                            • Lumina herself is a Spellcaster that gives you access to Fortune Lady Every . She's a pretty strong carry monster if you can keep her on the field, reaching up to 4800 ATK and giving you a free removal effect every turn. Fortune Lady Every also has an inherent self-revive effect using Lumina in your grave.

                            Coral Dragon, Brionac and Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Các lựa chọn Synchro cấp 6)

                            UR Rarity
                            Coral Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Coral Dragon
                            Coral Dragon
                            WATER 6
                            Coral Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2400

                            • DEF:

                            • 500

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is sent from the field to the GY: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Coral Dragon" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                            UR Rarity
                            Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                            Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                            WATER 6
                            Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                            • ATK:

                            • 2300

                            • DEF:

                            • 1400

                            1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters You can discard any number of cards to the GY, then target the same number of cards your opponent controls; return those cards to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" once per turn.

                            Level 6 monsters are easier to summon by using Justica or Jurrac Dino to synchro them.

                            • Brionac is a good level 6 Synchro that you can use with Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn and Babycerasaurus , or you can make Brionac with Justicia plus a level 4 Dino, or use Jurrac Dino with Gilasaurus for a quick Synchro. You can also remove Block Dragon or Survival's End for additional effect value. Its effect allows you to remove many cards from your opponent's field but at a high cost.
                            • Craft Coral Dragon using the same materials to summon Brionac . Coral Dragon is a good regular Synchro monster to create because of its good stats and simple removal effect. Additionally, the card draw effect when Coral Dragon is sent to the grave allows you to replenish some resources.

                            Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder (1x)

                            R Rarity
                            Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                            R Rarity
                            Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                            Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                            DARK 12
                            Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                            • ATK:

                            • 3000

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters If this card is Synchro Summoned using a "Blackwing" monster as Material, it is treated as a Tuner while face-up on the field. Cannot be destroyed by card effects. You can target 1 "Blackwing" monster in your Graveyard; this card's Level becomes the same as that monster's. You can only use this effect of "Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder" once per Duel. If this card that was Synchro Summoned using only Synchro Monsters attacks, this card gains 3000 ATK during the Damage Step only.

                            This will be the main carry monster for your deck.

                            • You can summon Onimaru using Block Dragon and Raiden as materials. In this case, Onimaru does not receive the 3000 ATK buff, but it is still useful as a 3000 ATK beater that is immune to destructive effects.
                            • Or you can summon Onimaru by combining both Coral Dragon and Brionac together, so you will get a 6000 ATK beater, more beneficial but more difficult to summon. Not only that, but you will also receive 1 more card draw from Coral Dragon .

                            Extra Deck - Xyz

                            The deck's staple Xyz are summoned quite easily with level 4 Dino monsters (mostly). Therefore, most of the cards I introduce below will be more Rank 4 Xyz monsters.

                            Các lựa chọn Xyz Rank 4 thông dụng

                            SR Rarity
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            SR Rarity
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                            • ATK:

                            • 2400

                            • DEF:

                            • 1200

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

                            UR Rarity
                            Abyss Dweller
                            UR Rarity
                            Abyss Dweller
                            Abyss Dweller
                            Abyss Dweller
                            • ATK:

                            • 1700

                            • DEF:

                            • 1400

                            2 Level 4 monsters While this card has a material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; your opponent cannot activate any card effects in their GY this turn.

                            R Rarity
                            Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
                            R Rarity
                            Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
                            Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
                            Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
                            • ATK:

                            • 2200

                            • DEF:

                            • 2200

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per Chain, during either player's turn, if 2 or more monsters with the same name are on the field: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; choose 1 monster among those with the same name, and destroy all other monsters with that name. While this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot Summon monsters with the same name as any of the monster(s) chosen for this card's effect. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can send 2 "Heraldic Beast" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.

                            SR Rarity
                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                            SR Rarity
                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 1200

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

                            These will be the best Xyz Rank 4 options for the deck as their strengths can be countered based on the existing meta.

                            • Abyss Dweller is an anti-grave tech, intended to hinder Decks from activating a lot of grave effects such as Blue-Eyes . This only affects your opponent's grave, so you can still freely use your effects like Miscel and Canadia. It's best to activate this at the beginning of your opponent's turn, so make sure to turn Chain to "ON" and activate Abyss Dweller 's effect during your opponent's Draw Phase.
                            • Malevolent Sin is an anti-Xyz tech. Summon Malevolent Sin and use its effect to temporarily banish your opponent's Xyz monster. The Xyz monster will return without any materials attached to it.
                            • Diamond Dire Wolf discards itself along with any of your opponent's cards. Use this as on-demand removal for a problematic card or secure your attacks by removing your opponent's backrow.
                            • Number 18 , on the other hand, is a tech that resists all lines of cards with the same effect name. Having it in the Extra Deck is also quite situational but very useful for the current meta.

                            Những lựa chọn Xyz Rank 4 thay thế khác

                            SR Rarity
                            Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                            SR Rarity
                            Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                            Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                            Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                            • ATK:

                            • 2100

                            • DEF:

                            • 1500

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to this card's; send it to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

                            R Rarity
                            Evigishki Merrowgeist
                            R Rarity
                            Evigishki Merrowgeist
                            Evigishki Merrowgeist
                            Evigishki Merrowgeist
                            • ATK:

                            • 2100

                            • DEF:

                            • 1600

                            2 Level 4 monsters After damage calculation, if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; shuffle the destroyed monster into the Deck instead of sending it to the Graveyard.

                            UR Rarity
                            Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
                            UR Rarity
                            Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
                            Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
                            Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
                            • ATK:

                            • 1800

                            • DEF:

                            • 2300

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. If a "Djinn" Xyz Monster you control would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from that monster instead.

                            UR Rarity
                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                            UR Rarity
                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2100

                            • DEF:

                            • 1300

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it can can make a second attack in a row.

                            They are also quite strong Rank 4 Xyz but are less used because the meta no longer needs to use their power, but at a glance, they are enough to be able to fit into the deck to help you in the game. Some situations.

                            • Kachi Kochi Dragon is used for its dual attack effect, but its relatively low ATK makes it a bit situational. One situation where this would be useful is when Kachi Kochi attacks a face-down Canadia monster, then you use its second attack to hit directly.
                            • Putting monsters face down is a good way to turn off effects and reveal weak DEF stats. Additionally, Maestroke 's Xyz material can be used for its inherent protective effects.
                            • The Blackship of Corn's relatively low ATK makes it less than ideal for combat. However, its effect can be good for pushing damage while killing monsters with low ATK.
                            • Things destroyed in a match with Merrowgeist can be returned to the deck so the opponent cannot recycle it. Good against Shiranui .

                            Number 39: Utopia and Number C39: Utopia Ray (Các lựa chọn Utopia )

                            UR Rarity
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            UR Rarity
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            Number 39: Utopia
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            2 Level 4 monsters When a monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the attack. If this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no material: Destroy this card.

                            UR Rarity
                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                            UR Rarity
                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            3 Level 4 LIGHT monsters You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a "Number 39: Utopia" you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it gains 500 ATK and 1 monster your opponent controls loses 1000 ATK, until the End Phase. You must have 1000 Life Points or less to activate and to resolve this effect.

                            There is no denying the synergy of the above two cards. They are always useful for decks that are weak in the Extra Deck like Dinos .

                            • Utopia is the strongest Rank 4 beater that only requires 2 ingredients. It also comes with a protective effect that can be useful when on the defensive. Even so, you usually want to hold Utopia to summon Utopia Ray .
                            • Since you can only use Utopia Ray 's effect down to your last 1000 LP, it's best to use him to turn the game around. Controlling ATK can help you escape from your opponent's powerful monsters and deal a large amount of damage. Remember that this effect can be activated multiple times per turn as long as you have enough materials.

                            Gagaga Cowboy and Gagaga Samurai (Các lựa chọn Gagaga)

                            UR Rarity
                            Gagaga Cowboy
                            UR Rarity
                            Gagaga Cowboy
                            Gagaga Cowboy
                            Gagaga Cowboy
                            • ATK:

                            • 1500

                            • DEF:

                            • 2400

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; apply this effect, depending on this card's current battle position. ● Attack Position: If this card attacks an opponent's monster this turn, it gains 1000 ATK, also the opponent's monster loses 500 ATK, during the Damage Step only. ● Defense Position: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent.

                            SR Rarity
                            Gagaga Samurai
                            SR Rarity
                            Gagaga Samurai
                            Gagaga Samurai
                            Gagaga Samurai
                            • ATK:

                            • 1900

                            • DEF:

                            • 1600

                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 "Gagaga" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. When another monster you control is targeted for an attack while this card is in Attack Position: You can change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, change the attack target to this card and perform damage calculation.

                            • Samurai is used to push damage after you have cleared most of the field. The relatively low ATK means it won't destroy anything in battle. But its dual attack effect allows it to deal a large amount of damage when attacking directly.
                            • Cowboy is the most consistent card of any Rank-4. The Attack Position effect is useful as a quick way to defeat strong enemy monsters. You can also give Cowboy dual attack effects to maximize Cowboy 's attack position effects. But Cowboy 's main attraction is its Defensive Position burn damage that can be used to finish off low LP opponents.

                            Shining Elf and Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition (Các lựa chọn Xyz Rank 2)

                            R Rarity
                            Shining Elf
                            R Rarity
                            Shining Elf
                            Shining Elf
                            Shining Elf
                            • ATK:

                            • 1600

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            2 Level 2 monsters When your opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster(s) (except during the Damage Step): You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; that monster(s) loses 500 ATK.

                            R Rarity
                            Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition
                            R Rarity
                            Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition
                            Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition
                            Number 45: Crumble Logos the Prophet of Demolition
                            • ATK:

                            • 2200

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            2 or more Level 2 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 other face-up card on the field; while this monster is face-up on the field, that target has its effects negated. While that target is on the field, cards with the same name as that target, and their effects, cannot be activated.

                            Typically, you want to destroy Babycerasaurus with Survival's End and special summon from the deck. But sometimes creating Shining Elf or Number 45 is also a good control option, because the monsters in your deck usually don't have high ATK.

                            Choose another Extra Deck


                            Trishula the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment (1x)

                            UR Rarity
                            Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment
                            UR Rarity
                            Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment
                            Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment
                            WATER 9
                            Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment
                            • ATK:

                            • 2700

                            • DEF:

                            • 2000

                            3 monsters with different names Must first be either Fusion Summoned using only monsters in your hand and/or field, or Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by banishing the above cards you control (in which case you do not use "Polymerization"). If this card was Special Summoned using only monsters that were originally Dragons: You can reveal and banish 3 cards (1 from your Deck, 1 from the top of your opponent's Deck, and 1 from their Extra Deck). You can only use this effect of "Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment" once per turn.

                            In fact, in addition to the above easy summoning conditions, Trishula can refill the Dino's power through the pile of cards it banishes. And that's just it, Trishula 's power is difficult to fully exploit if you don't use a deck with the main type being Dragon.

                            Tips and Combos

                            • In some cases, you'll want to activate your Paleozoic Marrella at the beginning of your opponent's turn if you have an active Survival's End , so you can chain the Paleozoic summon from the grave to a kill for an extra Dinosaur from Deck of Cards.
                            • If you have Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn on the field, and Miscel and Giant Rex in the grave, you can banish Miscel and Rex to summon Babycerasaurus then summon Rex back to the field with its effect. You can then use Raiden and Rex to sync Summon Scrap Dragon . You can then use Scrap's effect to pop Baby to summon any Dinosaur and deal damage.
                            • If you use Fossil Dig , most of the time you want to use it first to search for Miscel before using any mill cards. This is to ensure that you can summon a Babycerasaurus if you happen to mill any Dinosaurs by mistake.

                            Sample Decks


                            Synchro Version

                            Straight to the Grave

                            Need 13 UR

                            UR Rarity
                            Giant Rex2 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Miscellaneousaurus3 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Black Rose Dragon1 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier1 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Scrap Dragon1 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Coral Dragon1 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Fossil Dig1 card
                            UR Rarity
                            Paleozoic Canadia3 card

                            Main: 30 Extra: 7

                            R Rarity
                            R Rarity
                            EARTH 2
                            • ATK:

                            • 500

                            • DEF:

                            • 500

                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                            R Rarity
                            R Rarity
                            EARTH 2
                            • ATK:

                            • 500

                            • DEF:

                            • 500

                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                            R Rarity
                            R Rarity
                            EARTH 2
                            • ATK:

                            • 500

                            • DEF:

                            • 500

                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                            SR Rarity
                            Block Dragon
                            SR Rarity
                            Block Dragon
                            Block Dragon
                            EARTH 8
                            Block Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 3 EARTH monsters from your hand and/or GY. Rock monsters you control cannot be destroyed, except by battle. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add up to 3 Rock monsters from your Deck to your hand, whose total Levels equal 8. You can only use this effect of "Block Dragon" once per turn.

                            SR Rarity
                            Block Dragon
                            SR Rarity
                            Block Dragon
                            Block Dragon
                            EARTH 8
                            Block Dragon
                            • ATK:

                            • 2500

                            • DEF:

                            • 3000

                            Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 3 EARTH monsters from your hand and/or GY. Rock monsters you control cannot be destroyed, except by battle. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add up to 3 Rock monsters from your Deck to your hand, whose total Levels equal 8. You can only use this effect of "Block Dragon" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Giant Rex
                            UR Rarity
                            Giant Rex
                            Giant Rex
                            EARTH 4
                            Giant Rex
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 1200

                            Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            Giant Rex
                            UR Rarity
                            Giant Rex
                            Giant Rex
                            EARTH 4
                            Giant Rex
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 1200

                            Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

                            R Rarity
                            Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
                            R Rarity
                            Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
                            Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
                            LIGHT 3
                            Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
                            • ATK:

                            • 1000

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster in your GY; Special Summon that target. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                            UR Rarity
                            UR Rarity
                            FIRE 4
                            • ATK:

                            • 1800

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            UR Rarity
                            FIRE 4
                            • ATK:

                            • 1800

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                            UR Rarity
                            UR Rarity
                            FIRE 4
                            • ATK:

                            • 1800

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            EARTH 4
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            • ATK:

                            • -1

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            EARTH 4
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            • ATK:

                            • -1

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            R Rarity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            EARTH 4
                            Tyranno Infinity
                            • ATK:

                            • -1

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

                            SR Rarity
                            Megalosmasher X
                            SR Rarity
                            Megalosmasher X
                            Megalosmasher X
                            WATER 4
                            Megalosmasher X
                            • ATK:

                            • 2000

                            • DEF:

                            • 0

                            With its sound-baffling armor and gargantuan jaws, this primeval predator's phosphorescence was the only possible pardon for its primitive prey.

                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            LIGHT 4
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            • ATK:

                            • 1700

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During your Main Phase: You can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then if any "Lightsworn" monsters were sent to the GY by this effect, this card gains 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            LIGHT 4
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            • ATK:

                            • 1700

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During your Main Phase: You can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then if any "Lightsworn" monsters were sent to the GY by this effect, this card gains 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            SR Rarity
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            LIGHT 4
                            Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn
                            • ATK:

                            • 1700

                            • DEF:

                            • 1000

                            During your Main Phase: You can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then if any "Lightsworn" monsters were sent to the GY by this effect, this card gains 200 ATK until the end of your opponent's turn. You can only use this effect of "Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn" once per turn. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                            SR Rarity
                            Charge of the Light Brigade
                            SR Rarity
                            Charge of the Light Brigade
                            Charge of the Light Brigade
                            Spell Normal
                            Charge of the Light Brigade

                              Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from your Deck to your hand.

                              SR Rarity
                              Charge of the Light Brigade
                              SR Rarity
                              Charge of the Light Brigade
                              Charge of the Light Brigade
                              Spell Normal
                              Charge of the Light Brigade

                                Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard; add 1 Level 4 or lower "Lightsworn" monster from your Deck to your hand.

                                UR Rarity
                                Fossil Dig
                                UR Rarity
                                Fossil Dig
                                Fossil Dig
                                Spell Normal
                                Fossil Dig

                                  Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

                                  UR Rarity
                                  Paleozoic Canadia
                                  UR Rarity
                                  Paleozoic Canadia
                                  Paleozoic Canadia
                                  Trap Normal
                                  Paleozoic Canadia

                                    Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                    UR Rarity
                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                    UR Rarity
                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                    Trap Normal
                                    Paleozoic Canadia

                                      Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                      UR Rarity
                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                      UR Rarity
                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                      Trap Normal
                                      Paleozoic Canadia

                                        Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                        N Rarity
                                        Paleozoic Marrella
                                        N Rarity
                                        Paleozoic Marrella
                                        Paleozoic Marrella
                                        Trap Normal
                                        Paleozoic Marrella

                                          Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                          N Rarity
                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                          N Rarity
                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                          Trap Normal
                                          Paleozoic Marrella

                                            Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                            N Rarity
                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                            N Rarity
                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                            Trap Normal
                                            Paleozoic Marrella

                                              Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                              SR Rarity
                                              Survival's End
                                              SR Rarity
                                              Survival's End
                                              Survival's End
                                              Trap Normal
                                              Survival's End

                                                Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                SR Rarity
                                                Survival's End
                                                SR Rarity
                                                Survival's End
                                                Survival's End
                                                Trap Normal
                                                Survival's End

                                                  Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  Survival's End
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  Survival's End
                                                  Survival's End
                                                  Trap Normal
                                                  Survival's End

                                                    Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                    R Rarity
                                                    Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                                                    R Rarity
                                                    Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                                                    Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                                                    DARK 12
                                                    Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 3000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters If this card is Synchro Summoned using a "Blackwing" monster as Material, it is treated as a Tuner while face-up on the field. Cannot be destroyed by card effects. You can target 1 "Blackwing" monster in your Graveyard; this card's Level becomes the same as that monster's. You can only use this effect of "Assault Blackwing - Onimaru the Divine Thunder" once per Duel. If this card that was Synchro Summoned using only Synchro Monsters attacks, this card gains 3000 ATK during the Damage Step only.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Black Rose Dragon
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Black Rose Dragon
                                                    Black Rose Dragon
                                                    FIRE 7
                                                    Black Rose Dragon
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2400

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1800

                                                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant monster from your GY, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                                                    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                                                    WATER 6
                                                    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2300

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1400

                                                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters You can discard any number of cards to the GY, then target the same number of cards your opponent controls; return those cards to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier" once per turn.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Scrap Dragon
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Scrap Dragon
                                                    Scrap Dragon
                                                    EARTH 8
                                                    Scrap Dragon
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2800

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. When this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card and sent to your GY: Target 1 non-Synchro "Scrap" monster in your GY; Special Summon that target.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Coral Dragon
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Coral Dragon
                                                    Coral Dragon
                                                    WATER 6
                                                    Coral Dragon
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2400

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 500

                                                    1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is sent from the field to the GY: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Coral Dragon" once per turn.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                    Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                    Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1200

                                                    2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                    Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                    Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2400

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1200

                                                    2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.


                                                    Xyz Version

                                                    The Tie that Binds

                                                    Need 14 UR

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Giant Rex1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Miscellaneousaurus3 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Abyss Dweller1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Kachi Kochi Dragon1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Number 39: Utopia1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Number C39: Utopia Ray1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Fossil Dig1 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Fiendish Chain2 card
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Paleozoic Canadia3 card

                                                    Main: 24 Extra: 7

                                                    R Rarity
                                                    R Rarity
                                                    EARTH 2
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 500

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 500

                                                    If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                    R Rarity
                                                    R Rarity
                                                    EARTH 2
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 500

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 500

                                                    If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                    R Rarity
                                                    R Rarity
                                                    EARTH 2
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 500

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 500

                                                    If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Giant Rex
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Giant Rex
                                                    Giant Rex
                                                    EARTH 4
                                                    Giant Rex
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1200

                                                    Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    EARTH 4
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 1500

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1200

                                                    At the end of the Damage Step, if an opponent's monster that battled this card is not destroyed: Return that opponent's monster to the hand.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    EARTH 4
                                                    Hyper Hammerhead
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 1500

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1200

                                                    At the end of the Damage Step, if an opponent's monster that battled this card is not destroyed: Return that opponent's monster to the hand.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    FIRE 4
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 1800

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1000

                                                    During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    FIRE 4
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 1800

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1000

                                                    During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    FIRE 4
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 1800

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 1000

                                                    During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    WATER 4
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 0

                                                    With its sound-baffling armor and gargantuan jaws, this primeval predator's phosphorescence was the only possible pardon for its primitive prey.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    WATER 4
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 0

                                                    With its sound-baffling armor and gargantuan jaws, this primeval predator's phosphorescence was the only possible pardon for its primitive prey.

                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    SR Rarity
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    WATER 4
                                                    Megalosmasher X
                                                    • ATK:

                                                    • 2000

                                                    • DEF:

                                                    • 0

                                                    With its sound-baffling armor and gargantuan jaws, this primeval predator's phosphorescence was the only possible pardon for its primitive prey.

                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Fossil Dig
                                                    UR Rarity
                                                    Fossil Dig
                                                    Fossil Dig
                                                    Spell Normal
                                                    Fossil Dig

                                                      Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

                                                      UR Rarity
                                                      Fiendish Chain
                                                      UR Rarity
                                                      Fiendish Chain
                                                      Fiendish Chain
                                                      Trap Continuous
                                                      Fiendish Chain

                                                        Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.

                                                        UR Rarity
                                                        Fiendish Chain
                                                        UR Rarity
                                                        Fiendish Chain
                                                        Fiendish Chain
                                                        Trap Continuous
                                                        Fiendish Chain

                                                          Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.

                                                          UR Rarity
                                                          Paleozoic Canadia
                                                          UR Rarity
                                                          Paleozoic Canadia
                                                          Paleozoic Canadia
                                                          Trap Normal
                                                          Paleozoic Canadia

                                                            Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                            UR Rarity
                                                            Paleozoic Canadia
                                                            UR Rarity
                                                            Paleozoic Canadia
                                                            Paleozoic Canadia
                                                            Trap Normal
                                                            Paleozoic Canadia

                                                              Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                              UR Rarity
                                                              Paleozoic Canadia
                                                              UR Rarity
                                                              Paleozoic Canadia
                                                              Paleozoic Canadia
                                                              Trap Normal
                                                              Paleozoic Canadia

                                                                Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                N Rarity
                                                                Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                N Rarity
                                                                Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                Trap Normal
                                                                Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                  Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                  N Rarity
                                                                  Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                  N Rarity
                                                                  Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                  Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                  Trap Normal
                                                                  Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                    Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                    N Rarity
                                                                    Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                    N Rarity
                                                                    Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                    Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                    Trap Normal
                                                                    Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                      Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                      Survival's End
                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                      Survival's End
                                                                      Survival's End
                                                                      Trap Normal
                                                                      Survival's End

                                                                        Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                        SR Rarity
                                                                        Survival's End
                                                                        SR Rarity
                                                                        Survival's End
                                                                        Survival's End
                                                                        Trap Normal
                                                                        Survival's End

                                                                          Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                          SR Rarity
                                                                          Survival's End
                                                                          SR Rarity
                                                                          Survival's End
                                                                          Survival's End
                                                                          Trap Normal
                                                                          Survival's End

                                                                            Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Abyss Dweller
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Abyss Dweller
                                                                            Abyss Dweller
                                                                            Abyss Dweller
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1700

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1400

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters While this card has a material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; your opponent cannot activate any card effects in their GY this turn.

                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                                            Diamond Dire Wolf
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2000

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1200

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Gagaga Samurai
                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Gagaga Samurai
                                                                            Gagaga Samurai
                                                                            Gagaga Samurai
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1900

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1600

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 "Gagaga" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. When another monster you control is targeted for an attack while this card is in Attack Position: You can change this card to face-up Defense Position, and if you do, change the attack target to this card and perform damage calculation.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                                                                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                                                                            Kachi Kochi Dragon
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2100

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1300

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it can can make a second attack in a row.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Number 39: Utopia
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Number 39: Utopia
                                                                            Number 39: Utopia
                                                                            Number 39: Utopia
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 2000

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters When a monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the attack. If this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no material: Destroy this card.

                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                                            Number 70: Malevolent Sin
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2400

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1200

                                                                            2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                                                                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                                                                            Number C39: Utopia Ray
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 2000

                                                                            3 Level 4 LIGHT monsters You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a "Number 39: Utopia" you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it gains 500 ATK and 1 monster your opponent controls loses 1000 ATK, until the End Phase. You must have 1000 Life Points or less to activate and to resolve this effect.


                                                                            Fusion Version

                                                                            The Tie that Binds

                                                                            Need 18 UR

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker2 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Giant Rex1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Miscellaneousaurus3 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Stegocyber2 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Invoked Purgatrio1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Black Rose Dragon1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn2 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Fossil Dig1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Invocation1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Volcanic Wall1 card
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Paleozoic Canadia3 card

                                                                            Main: 30 Extra: 7

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            DARK 4
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1000

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1800

                                                                            (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Fusion Monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: You can add 1 "Invocation" from your Deck to your hand.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            DARK 4
                                                                            Aleister the Invoker
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1000

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1800

                                                                            (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Fusion Monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. If this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: You can add 1 "Invocation" from your Deck to your hand.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            EARTH 2
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            EARTH 2
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            EARTH 2
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            If this card is destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck.

                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Block Dragon
                                                                            SR Rarity
                                                                            Block Dragon
                                                                            Block Dragon
                                                                            EARTH 8
                                                                            Block Dragon
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2500

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 3000

                                                                            Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand or GY) by banishing 3 EARTH monsters from your hand and/or GY. Rock monsters you control cannot be destroyed, except by battle. If this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can add up to 3 Rock monsters from your Deck to your hand, whose total Levels equal 8. You can only use this effect of "Block Dragon" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Giant Rex
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Giant Rex
                                                                            Giant Rex
                                                                            EARTH 4
                                                                            Giant Rex
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 2000

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1200

                                                                            Cannot attack directly. If this card is banished: You can Special Summon this card, and if you do, this card gains 200 ATK for each of your banished Dinosaur monsters. You can only use this effect of "Giant Rex" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            FIRE 4
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1800

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1000

                                                                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            FIRE 4
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1800

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1000

                                                                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            FIRE 4
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1800

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 1000

                                                                            During either player's Main Phase: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; during this Main Phase, Dinosaur-Type monsters you control are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can banish any number of Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Graveyard, including this card; Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the total number of monsters banished to activate this effect, but destroy it during the End Phase. You can only use this effect of "Miscellaneousaurus" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            DARK 6
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1200

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 2400

                                                                            During damage calculation, if your opponent's monster attacks while this card is in your Graveyard: You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon this card, and if you do, you take no battle damage from that battle, but banish this card when it leaves the field (this is a Quick Effect). You can only use this effect of "Stegocyber" once per turn.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            DARK 6
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1200

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 2400

                                                                            During damage calculation, if your opponent's monster attacks while this card is in your Graveyard: You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon this card, and if you do, you take no battle damage from that battle, but banish this card when it leaves the field (this is a Quick Effect). You can only use this effect of "Stegocyber" once per turn.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            EARTH 4
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • -1

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 0

                                                                            The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            EARTH 4
                                                                            Tyranno Infinity
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • -1

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 0

                                                                            The original ATK of this card is the number of your banished Dinosaur-Type monsters x 1000.

                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            R Rarity
                                                                            EARTH 4
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1900

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 500

                                                                            This normally gentle dinosaur enjoys relaxing in its nest in the prairies. If it becomes angered, it turns terribly ferocious.

                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            FIRE 3
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1700

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 800

                                                                            Once during each player's End Phase, if this card destroyed an opponent's monster by battle this turn, you can Tribute 1 "Jurrac" monster to draw 2 cards.

                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            FIRE 3
                                                                            Jurrac Dino
                                                                            • ATK:

                                                                            • 1700

                                                                            • DEF:

                                                                            • 800

                                                                            Once during each player's End Phase, if this card destroyed an opponent's monster by battle this turn, you can Tribute 1 "Jurrac" monster to draw 2 cards.

                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Fossil Dig
                                                                            UR Rarity
                                                                            Fossil Dig
                                                                            Fossil Dig
                                                                            Spell Normal
                                                                            Fossil Dig

                                                                              Add 1 Level 6 or lower Dinosaur monster from your Deck to your hand.

                                                                              UR Rarity
                                                                              UR Rarity
                                                                              Spell Normal

                                                                                Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand as Fusion Material. If Summoning an "Invoked" Fusion Monster this way, you can also banish monsters from your field and/or either player's GY as Fusion Material. If this card is in your GY: You can target 1 of your banished "Aleister the Invoker"; shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, add that card to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Invocation" once per turn.

                                                                                UR Rarity
                                                                                Volcanic Wall
                                                                                UR Rarity
                                                                                Volcanic Wall
                                                                                Volcanic Wall
                                                                                Spell Continuous
                                                                                Volcanic Wall

                                                                                  Once per turn: You can send 3 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict 250 damage to your opponent for each Pyro-Type monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect. You cannot declare an attack during the turn you activate this effect.

                                                                                  R Rarity
                                                                                  Needlebug Nest
                                                                                  R Rarity
                                                                                  Needlebug Nest
                                                                                  Needlebug Nest
                                                                                  Trap Normal
                                                                                  Needlebug Nest

                                                                                    Send the top 5 cards of your Deck to the GY.

                                                                                    UR Rarity
                                                                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                    UR Rarity
                                                                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                    Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                    Trap Normal
                                                                                    Paleozoic Canadia

                                                                                      Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                      Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                      Trap Normal
                                                                                      Paleozoic Canadia

                                                                                        Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                        UR Rarity
                                                                                        Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                        UR Rarity
                                                                                        Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                        Paleozoic Canadia
                                                                                        Trap Normal
                                                                                        Paleozoic Canadia

                                                                                          Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                          N Rarity
                                                                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                          N Rarity
                                                                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                          Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                          Trap Normal
                                                                                          Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                                            Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                            N Rarity
                                                                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                            Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                            Trap Normal
                                                                                            Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                                              Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                              N Rarity
                                                                                              Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                              N Rarity
                                                                                              Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                              Paleozoic Marrella
                                                                                              Trap Normal
                                                                                              Paleozoic Marrella

                                                                                                Send 1 Trap from your Deck to the GY. Once per Chain, when a Trap Card is activated while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card as a Normal Monster (Aqua/WATER/Level 2/ATK 1200/DEF 0). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If Summoned this way, this card is unaffected by monster effects, also banish it when it leaves the field.

                                                                                                SR Rarity
                                                                                                Survival's End
                                                                                                SR Rarity
                                                                                                Survival's End
                                                                                                Survival's End
                                                                                                Trap Normal
                                                                                                Survival's End

                                                                                                  Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                                                  SR Rarity
                                                                                                  Survival's End
                                                                                                  SR Rarity
                                                                                                  Survival's End
                                                                                                  Survival's End
                                                                                                  Trap Normal
                                                                                                  Survival's End

                                                                                                    Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                                                    SR Rarity
                                                                                                    Survival's End
                                                                                                    SR Rarity
                                                                                                    Survival's End
                                                                                                    Survival's End
                                                                                                    Trap Normal
                                                                                                    Survival's End

                                                                                                      Destroy as many Normal Monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon Level 4 or lower Dinosaur-Type monsters from your Deck, up to the number destroyed, but destroy them during the End Phase. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Dinosaur-Type monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them.

                                                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      EARTH 8
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 3000

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 3300

                                                                                                      "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 EARTH monster

                                                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      SR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      EARTH 8
                                                                                                      Invoked Magellanica
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 3000

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 3300

                                                                                                      "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 EARTH monster

                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Purgatrio
                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Invoked Purgatrio
                                                                                                      Invoked Purgatrio
                                                                                                      FIRE 7
                                                                                                      Invoked Purgatrio
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 2300

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 2000

                                                                                                      "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 FIRE monster This card gains 200 ATK for each card your opponent controls. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls, once each. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Black Rose Dragon
                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Black Rose Dragon
                                                                                                      Black Rose Dragon
                                                                                                      FIRE 7
                                                                                                      Black Rose Dragon
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 2400

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 1800

                                                                                                      1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can destroy all cards on the field. Once per turn: You can banish 1 Plant monster from your GY, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; change that target to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, its ATK becomes 0 until the end of this turn.

                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      LIGHT 7
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 2600

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 2000

                                                                                                      1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 card on the field; banish that target. When this card is destroyed: You can target any number of other "Lightsworn" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them into the Deck, and if you do, you gain 300 LP for each returned card. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      UR Rarity
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      LIGHT 7
                                                                                                      Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 2600

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 2000

                                                                                                      1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 card on the field; banish that target. When this card is destroyed: You can target any number of other "Lightsworn" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them into the Deck, and if you do, you gain 300 LP for each returned card. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard.

                                                                                                      R Rarity
                                                                                                      Samurai Destroyer
                                                                                                      R Rarity
                                                                                                      Samurai Destroyer
                                                                                                      Samurai Destroyer
                                                                                                      EARTH 7
                                                                                                      Samurai Destroyer
                                                                                                      • ATK:

                                                                                                      • 2600

                                                                                                      • DEF:

                                                                                                      • 1400

                                                                                                      1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card battles an opponent's monster, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step, also that opponent's monster has its effects negated during the Battle Phase only. If this face-up card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can target 1 Machine monster in your GY; Special Summon it.


                                                                                                      Final thoughts

                                                                                                      Overall, Dinos has a lot of power to compete in the current meta. Their presence in Tournaments and events will continue to increase over time. This deck is fun to play and never feels like it has any standard or linear plays. The deck's flexibility in summoning key monsters with high ATK far outweighs the weakness of stacking too many cards if you don't see any useful cards in your opening hand.

                                                                                                      In short, what the deck represents is a Lightsworn deck but has a gameplay that relies heavily on banishing cards like Thunder Dragon , Metaphys ,... It's worth using and trying to build to climb the Rank.

                                                                                                      Companion unit:

                                                                                                      - Yu-Gi-Oh! Guidance Vietnam
