Bujin Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

Bujin Arasuda
Bujin Arasuda
Bujin Arasuda
Bujin Arasuda
  • ATK:

  • 1600

  • DEF:

  • 1900

If a "Bujin" monster in your Graveyard or face-up on your side of the field is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand in face-up Defense Position. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if a "Bujin" card was added from your Deck to your hand this turn, except by drawing it, while you controlled this face-up card: You can draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. You can only control 1 "Bujin Arasuda".

Bujin Hirume
Bujin Hirume
Bujin Hirume
Bujin Hirume
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 1000

Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Bujin" monster from your Graveyard, except "Bujin Hirume". If this card, which was Summoned this way, is destroyed by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect), and sent from your side of the field to your Graveyard, and both players have a hand: You can discard 1 card, then your opponent discards 1 card. You can only control 1 "Bujin Hirume".

Bujin Mahitotsu
Bujin Mahitotsu
Bujin Mahitotsu
Bujin Mahitotsu
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

You can send 1 other "Bujin" card from your hand to the GY; Special Summon this card from your hand. You can activate 1 of these effects; ● Send 1 "Bujin" monster from your hand to the GY; add 1 "Bujin" monster with a different name from your GY to your hand. ● Banish 1 "Bujin" monster from your GY; send 1 "Bujin" monster with a different name from your Deck to the GY. You can only use the Summoning effect, and the other effect, of "Bujin Mahitotsu" each once per turn.

Bujin Torifune
Bujin Torifune
Bujin Torifune
Bujin Torifune
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 500

You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 2 "Bujin" monsters of 2 different Types from the Deck in Defense Position, except "Bujin Torifune". When you Xyz Summon a "Bujin" Xyz Monster, while this card is in your GY: You can equip this card to it. Any monster destroyed by battle with that equipped monster is banished. You can only use each effect of "Bujin Torifune" once per turn.

Bujingi Hare
Bujingi Hare
Bujingi Hare
Bujingi Hare
  • ATK:

  • 1700

  • DEF:

  • 500

During either player's turn: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster you control; once during this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. You can only use the effect of "Bujingi Hare" once per turn.

Bujingi Quilin
Bujingi Quilin
Bujingi Quilin
Bujingi Quilin
  • ATK:

  • 1600

  • DEF:

  • 900

If you control a Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy that target. You can only use the effect of "Bujingi Quilin" once per turn.

Bujingi Sinyou
Bujingi Sinyou
Bujingi Sinyou
Bujingi Sinyou
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 1000

During either player's Damage Step, if a Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster you control battles an opponent's monster: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; that monster you control gains ATK equal to the current ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling until the end of the Damage Step, and if it does, all battle damage your opponent takes from that battle is halved. You can only use this effect of "Bujingi Sinyou" once per turn.

Bujingi Turtle
Bujingi Turtle
Bujingi Turtle
Bujingi Turtle
  • ATK:

  • 1700

  • DEF:

  • 1200

During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that targets a "Bujin" monster you control (except during the Damage Step): You can banish this card from your Graveyard; negate that effect.

Droll & Lock Bird
Droll & Lock Bird
Droll & Lock Bird
Droll & Lock Bird
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

If a card(s) is added from the Main Deck to your opponent's hand, except during the Draw Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; for the rest of this turn, cards cannot be added from either player's Main Deck to the hand.

Nibiru, the Primal Being
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Nibiru, the Primal Being
  • ATK:

  • 3000

  • DEF:

  • 600

During the Main Phase, if your opponent Normal or Special Summoned 5 or more monsters this turn (Quick Effect): You can Tribute as many face-up monsters on the field as possible, and if you do, Special Summon this card from your hand, then Special Summon 1 "Primal Being Token" (Rock/LIGHT/Level 11/ATK ?/DEF ?) to your opponent's field. (This Token's ATK/DEF become the combined original ATK/DEF of the Tributed monsters.) You can only use this effect of "Nibiru, the Primal Being" once per turn.

Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

You can target 1 "Superheavy Samurai" monster you control; equip this card from your hand or field to that monster you control. The equipped monster is treated as a Tuner. If you have no Spells/Traps in your GY and this card was equipped to a monster by this card's effect: You can Special Summon this equipped card. You can only use this effect of "Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster" once per turn.

Therion "King" Regulus
Therion "King" Regulus
Therion "King" Regulus
Therion "King" Regulus
  • ATK:

  • 2800

  • DEF:

  • 1600

You can only use each of the following effects of "Therion "King" Regulus" once per turn. ● You can target 1 "Therion" monster or 1 Machine monster in your GY; Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, equip that monster to this card. ● When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can send 1 "Therion" Monster Card from your hand or face-up field to the GY; negate that effect. A "Therion" monster equipped with this card gains 700 ATK, also it can activate the 2nd effect listed above as if it were "Therion "King" Regulus".

ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 2100

You can only control 1 "ZW - Pegasus Twin Saber". If your opponent's LP are at least 2000 higher than yours, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can target 1 "Utopia" monster you control; equip this card you control to it as an Equip Spell that gives it 1000 ATK. Once per turn, while this card is equipped to a monster, you can negate a monster effect activated on your opponent's field.

Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 3500

[ Pendulum Effect ] If you control a "Superheavy Samurai" monster: You can add 1 "Superheavy Samurai Soul" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei" once per turn. [ Monster Effect ] If you have no Spells/Traps in your GY: You can send 1 "Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei" from your hand or Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is used as Synchro Material and added to your Extra Deck face-up: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone. You can only use each effect of "Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei" once per turn.

Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 1500

[ Pendulum Effect ] If you have no Spells/Traps in your GY: You can place 1 "Superheavy Samurai" Pendulum Monster from your Deck, except "Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi", in your other Pendulum Zone, then Special Summon this card. You can only use this effect of "Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi" once per turn. [ Monster Effect ] If you have no Spells/Traps in your GY: You can discard 1 monster; Special Summon 1 "Superheavy Samurai" monster from your hand or Deck in Defense Position, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except "Superheavy Samurai" monsters. If this card is used as Synchro Material and added to your Extra Deck face-up: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone. You can only use each effect of "Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi" once per turn.

Bujin Hiruko
Bujin Hiruko
Bujin Hiruko
Bujin Hiruko
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 2000

[ Pendulum Effect ] You can banish this card in your Pendulum Zone, then target 1 "Bujin" Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Bujin" Xyz Monster with a different name, by using that target as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to it also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) [ Monster Effect ] ''Imprisoned after a showdown with "Bujin Hirume" over the Sky Throne, this master schemer eventually escaped by manipulating Hirume and creating the sinister "Bujinki Amaterasu", then went on to almost engulf the world in darkness, but was finally defeated by Yamato and his allies.''

Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
Effect Veiler
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 0

During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate the effects of that face-up monster your opponent controls, until the end of this turn.

Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
Superheavy Samurai Motorbike
  • ATK:

  • 800

  • DEF:

  • 1200

If you have no Spells/Traps in your GY: You can discard this card; add 1 "Superheavy Samurai" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Superheavy Samurai Motorbike". You can only use this effect of "Superheavy Samurai Motorbike" once per turn. Once per turn: You can target 1 Machine monster you control; increase its Level by 2.

Double or Nothing!
Double or Nothing!
Double or Nothing!
Spell Quick
Double or Nothing!

    When a monster's attack is negated: Target that monster; it can make a second attack during this Battle Phase, and if it does, its ATK is doubled during the Damage Step only.

    Fire Formation - Tenki
    Fire Formation - Tenki
    Fire Formation - Tenki
    Spell Continuous
    Fire Formation - Tenki

      When this card is activated: You can add 1 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand. All Beast-Warrior monsters you control gain 100 ATK. You can only activate 1 "Fire Formation - Tenki" per turn.

      Extra Deck

      Bujinki Ahashima
      Bujinki Ahashima
      Bujinki Ahashima
      Bujinki Ahashima
      • ATK:

      • 1500

      • LINK-2

      Link Arrow:



      2 monsters with the same Level Cannot be used as Link Material. You can only use each of the following effects of "Bujinki Ahashima" once per turn. ● If this card is Link Summoned: You can Special Summon 2 monsters with the same Level, 1 from your hand and 1 from your GY, but negate their effects, and immediately after this effect resolves, Xyz Summon 1 Xyz Monster using those 2 monsters only. ● If an Xyz Monster this card points to activates an effect by detaching material(s) (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it.

      Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
      Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
      Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
      WIND 8
      Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon
      • ATK:

      • 2500

      • DEF:

      • 2000

      1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Tuner from your GY. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Extra Deck (this is treated as a Synchro Summon), then, immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster using monsters you control as material. This turn, the monsters Synchro Summoned by this effect are unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. You can only use each effect of "Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon" once per turn.

      Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo
      Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo
      Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo
      EARTH 12
      Superheavy Samurai Brave Masurawo
      • ATK:

      • 2100

      • DEF:

      • 4000

      1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its DEF for damage calculation. If a "Superheavy Samurai" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can destroy 1 "Superheavy Samurai" card you control instead. Once per turn, if your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or effect (except during the Damage Step): You can draw until you have 3 cards in your hand.

      Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo
      Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo
      Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo
      EARTH 10
      Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo
      • ATK:

      • 2400

      • DEF:

      • 3800

      1 Machine-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Superheavy Samurai" monsters This card can attack while in face-up Defense Position. If it does, apply its DEF for damage calculation. Once per turn, during either player's turn, if you have no Spell/Trap Cards in your Graveyard: You can target 1 Spell/Trap Card in your opponent's Graveyard; Set it to your side of the field, but banish it when it leaves the field.

      Bujinki Amaterasu
      Bujinki Amaterasu
      Bujinki Amaterasu
      Bujinki Amaterasu
      • ATK:

      • 2600

      • DEF:

      • 2500

      3 Level 4 monsters You can only control 1 "Bujinki Amaterasu". Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; apply this effect, depending on whose turn it is. ● Your turn: Target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower monsters; Special Summon that target. ● Your opponent's turn: Target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower monsters; add that target to your hand.

      Bujintei Kagutsuchi
      Bujintei Kagutsuchi
      Bujintei Kagutsuchi
      Bujintei Kagutsuchi
      • ATK:

      • 2500

      • DEF:

      • 2000

      2 Level 4 Beast-Warrior-Type monsters When this card is Xyz Summoned: Send the top 5 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard (or your entire Deck, if less than 5), also this card gains 100 ATK for each "Bujin" card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. If a "Bujin" Beast-Warrior-Type monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead of destroying 1 of those monsters. You can only control 1 "Bujintei Kagutsuchi".

      Bujintei Susanowo
      Bujintei Susanowo
      Bujintei Susanowo
      Bujintei Susanowo
      • ATK:

      • 2400

      • DEF:

      • 1600

      2 Level 4 "Bujin" monsters This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; take 1 "Bujin" monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the Graveyard. You can only control 1 "Bujintei Susanowo".

      Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
      Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
      Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
      Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
      • ATK:

      • 3000

      • DEF:

      • 3000

      2 Level 12 monsters Once per turn, if an Xyz Monster battled this turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder" by using 1 Xyz Monster you control as material. (Transfer its materials to this card.) (Quick Effect): You can detach 2 materials from this card; send all other cards from the field to the GY. Once per turn, if another card(s) you control is destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect: You can attach 1 card from your hand, Deck, or Extra Deck to this card as material.


      Gigantic "Champion" Sargas
      Gigantic "Champion" Sargas
      Gigantic "Champion" Sargas
      Gigantic "Champion" Sargas
      • ATK:

      • 2800

      • DEF:

      • 1500

      2+ Level 8 monsters Once per turn, you can also Xyz Summon "Gigantic "Champion" Sargas" by using 1 "Springans" Xyz Monster you control. (Transfer its materials to this card.) While this card has material: You can add 1 "Springans" or "Therion" card from your Deck to your hand. If material is detached from a monster(s) on the field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card on the field; either destroy it or return it to the hand. You can only use each effect of "Gigantic "Champion" Sargas" once per turn.

      Number 39: Utopia Double
      Number 39: Utopia Double
      Number 39: Utopia Double
      Number 39: Utopia Double
      • ATK:

      • 0

      • DEF:

      • 2500

      2 Level 4 monsters (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; add 1 "Double or Nothing!" from your Deck to your hand, then Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Utopia" Xyz Monster, except "Number 39: Utopia Double", by using this face-up card you control as material, and if you do, its ATK becomes doubled, but it cannot attack directly. (This is treated as an Xyz Summon. Transfer its materials to the Summoned monster.) You can only use this effect of "Number 39: Utopia Double" once per turn.

      Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
      Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
      Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
      Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
      • ATK:

      • 2100

      • DEF:

      • 2000

      2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, detach 1 material from this card. If you cannot, destroy it. This Attack Position card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. Your opponent cannot target this Attack Position card with card effects. While this card is in face-up Defense Position, change all face-up monsters on the field to Defense Position, also negate the activated effects of monsters that were in Defense Position when that effect was activated.

      Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
      Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
      Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
      Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
      • ATK:

      • 1200

      • DEF:

      • 1200

      2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 2 materials from this card, then activate 1 of the following effects; ● Skip your next Draw Phase, also draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card. ● Skip your next Main Phase 1, also Special Summon 1 monster from your GY in Defense Position. ● Skip the Battle Phase of your next turn, also double the ATK of 1 monster you control until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Number 60: Dugares the Timeless" once per turn.

      Springans Merrymaker
      Springans Merrymaker
      Springans Merrymaker
      Springans Merrymaker
      • ATK:

      • 1100

      • DEF:

      • 2000

      2 Level 4 monsters If this card is Special Summoned from your Extra Deck: You can send 1 "Springans" monster from your Deck to the GY. During your opponent's Main or Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can banish this card until the End Phase, then if you banished this card with 2 or more Xyz Materials, you can also send 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck to the GY that lists "Fallen of Albaz" as material. You can only use each effect of "Springans Merrymaker" once per turn.

      Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray
      Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray
      Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray
      Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray
      • ATK:

      • 2500

      • DEF:

      • 2000

      3 Level 5 monsters (This card is always treated as "Number C39: Utopia Ray".) Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; equip 1 "ZW -" monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to this card as if it were equipped by that monster's effect. This effect's activation and effect cannot be negated. Once per turn, while this card is equipped with a "ZW -" Monster Card (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate its effects, and if you do, halve its ATK.

      Main: 55 Extra: 15

      1 cardBujin Arasuda 1 cardBujin Arasuda
      Bujin Arasuda
      LIGHT 4
      Bujin Arasuda
      • ATK:

      • 1600

      • DEF:

      • 1900

      If a "Bujin" monster in your Graveyard or face-up on your side of the field is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand in face-up Defense Position. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if a "Bujin" card was added from your Deck to your hand this turn, except by drawing it, while you controlled this face-up card: You can draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. You can only control 1 "Bujin Arasuda".

      2 cardBujin Hirume 2 cardBujin Hirume
      Bujin Hirume
      LIGHT 4
      Bujin Hirume
      • ATK:

      • 2000

      • DEF:

      • 1000

      Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 "Bujin" monster from your Graveyard, except "Bujin Hirume". If this card, which was Summoned this way, is destroyed by your opponent's card (by battle or card effect), and sent from your side of the field to your Graveyard, and both players have a hand: You can discard 1 card, then your opponent discards 1 card. You can only control 1 "Bujin Hirume".

      1 cardBujin Mikazuchi 1 cardBujin Mikazuchi
      Bujin Mikazuchi
      LIGHT 4
      Bujin Mikazuchi
      • ATK:

      • 1900

      • DEF:

      • 1500

      When a Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or by card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if a "Bujin" monster(s) was sent from your hand to your Graveyard this turn while you controlled this face-up card: You can add 1 "Bujin" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only control 1 "Bujin Mikazuchi".

      3 cardBujin Yamato 3 cardBujin Yamato
      Bujin Yamato
      LIGHT 4
      Bujin Yamato
      • ATK:

      • 1800

      • DEF:

      • 200

      Once per turn, during your End Phase: You can add 1 "Bujin" monster from your Deck to your hand, then send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. You can only control 1 "Bujin Yamato".

      3 cardBujingi Crane 3 cardBujingi Crane
      Bujingi Crane
      LIGHT 4
      Bujingi Crane
      • ATK:

      • 1600

      • DEF:

      • 300

      During damage calculation (in either player's turn), if a Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster you control battles an opponent's monster: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; the ATK of your monster becomes double its original ATK, during that damage calculation only.

      2 cardBujingi Hare 2 cardBujingi Hare
      Bujingi Hare
      LIGHT 4
      Bujingi Hare
      • ATK:

      • 1700

      • DEF:

      • 500

      During either player's turn: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster you control; once during this turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. You can only use the effect of "Bujingi Hare" once per turn.

      1 cardBujingi Quilin 1 cardBujingi Quilin
      Bujingi Quilin
      LIGHT 4
      Bujingi Quilin
      • ATK:

      • 1600

      • DEF:

      • 900

      If you control a Beast-Warrior-Type "Bujin" monster: You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy that target. You can only use the effect of "Bujingi Quilin" once per turn.

      2 cardBujingi Turtle 2 cardBujingi Turtle
      Bujingi Turtle
      LIGHT 4
      Bujingi Turtle
      • ATK:

      • 1700

      • DEF:

      • 1200

      During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that targets a "Bujin" monster you control (except during the Damage Step): You can banish this card from your Graveyard; negate that effect.

      1 cardHonest 1 cardHonest
      LIGHT 4
      • ATK:

      • 1100

      • DEF:

      • 1900

      During your Main Phase: You can return this face-up card from the field to the hand. During the Damage Step, when a LIGHT monster you control battles (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY; that monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling, until the end of this turn.

      3 cardMaxx "C"
      3 cardMaxx "C"
      Maxx "C"
      EARTH 2
      Maxx "C"
      • ATK:

      • 500

      • DEF:

      • 200

      During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

      2 cardEffect Veiler 2 cardEffect Veiler
      Effect Veiler
      LIGHT 1
      Effect Veiler
      • ATK:

      • 0

      • DEF:

      • 0

      During your opponent's Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can send this card from your hand to the GY, then target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; negate the effects of that face-up monster your opponent controls, until the end of this turn.

      1 cardBook of Moon 1 cardBook of Moon
      Book of Moon
      Spell Quick
      Book of Moon

        Target 1 face-up monster on the field; change that target to face-down Defense Position.

        3 cardBujincarnation 3 cardBujincarnation
        Spell Normal

          If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters: Target 1 "Bujin" monster in your Graveyard and 1 of your banished "Bujin" monsters; Special Summon both targets. They cannot be used as Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of a Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster.

          1 cardDark Hole
          1 cardDark Hole
          Dark Hole
          Spell Normal
          Dark Hole

            Destroy all monsters on the field.

            3 cardFire Formation - Tenki 3 cardFire Formation - Tenki
            Fire Formation - Tenki
            Spell Continuous
            Fire Formation - Tenki

              When this card is activated: You can add 1 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand. All Beast-Warrior monsters you control gain 100 ATK. You can only activate 1 "Fire Formation - Tenki" per turn.

              2 cardForbidden Lance 2 cardForbidden Lance
              Forbidden Lance
              Spell Quick
              Forbidden Lance

                Target 1 face-up monster on the field; until the end of this turn, that target loses 800 ATK, but is unaffected by the effects of other Spells/Traps.

                2 cardKaiser Colosseum
                2 cardKaiser Colosseum
                Kaiser Colosseum
                Spell Continuous
                Kaiser Colosseum

                  If there is 1 or more monster(s) on the field of the controller of this card, his/her opponent cannot place a monster on the field if his/her number of monsters would exceed the number of monsters that are on the field of this card's controller. The cards that are already on the field before this card's activation are unaffected by this effect.

                  2 cardMystical Space Typhoon
                  2 cardMystical Space Typhoon
                  Mystical Space Typhoon
                  Spell Quick
                  Mystical Space Typhoon

                    Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.

                    3 cardPot of Duality
                    3 cardPot of Duality
                    Pot of Duality
                    Spell Normal
                    Pot of Duality

                      Excavate the top 3 cards of your Deck, add 1 of them to your hand, also, after that, shuffle the rest back into your Deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Duality" per turn. You cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this card.


                      1 cardBottomless Trap Hole 1 cardBottomless Trap Hole
                      Bottomless Trap Hole
                      Trap Normal
                      Bottomless Trap Hole

                        When your opponent Summons a monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK: Destroy that monster(s) with 1500 or more ATK, and if you do, banish it.

                        1 cardCompulsory Evacuation Device
                        1 cardCompulsory Evacuation Device
                        Compulsory Evacuation Device
                        Trap Normal
                        Compulsory Evacuation Device

                          Target 1 monster on the field; return that target to the hand.

                          3 cardDebunk 3 cardDebunk
                          Trap Counter

                            When a monster effect is activated in the hand or GY: Negate the activation, and if you do, banish it.

                            3 cardFiendish Chain 3 cardFiendish Chain
                            Fiendish Chain
                            Trap Continuous
                            Fiendish Chain

                              Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, also that face-up monster cannot attack. When it is destroyed, destroy this card.

                              3 cardGozen Match
                              3 cardGozen Match
                              Gozen Match
                              Trap Continuous
                              Gozen Match

                                Each player can only control 1 Attribute of monster. Send all other face-up monsters they control to the GY.

                                1 cardSolemn Warning 1 cardSolemn Warning
                                Solemn Warning
                                Trap Counter
                                Solemn Warning

                                  When a monster(s) would be Summoned, OR when a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that includes an effect that Special Summons a monster(s): Pay 2000 LP; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy it.


                                  1 cardTorrential Tribute
                                  1 cardTorrential Tribute
                                  Torrential Tribute
                                  Trap Normal
                                  Torrential Tribute

                                    When a monster(s) is Summoned: Destroy all monsters on the field.

                                    2 cardVanity's Emptiness
                                    2 cardVanity's Emptiness
                                    Vanity's Emptiness
                                    Trap Continuous
                                    Vanity's Emptiness

                                      Neither player can Special Summon monsters. If a card is sent from the Deck or the field to your Graveyard: Destroy this card.

                                      2 cardWiretap 2 cardWiretap
                                      Trap Counter

                                        When a Trap Card is activated: Negate the activation, and if you do, shuffle that card into the Deck.

                                        1 cardBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King 1 cardBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
                                        Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
                                        Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2200

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1800

                                        2 Level 4 Beast-Warrior monsters When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; negate the effects of all face-up Effect Monsters currently on the field, except Beast-Warriors, until the end of your opponent's turn. When this card is sent from the field to the GY: You can send 3 "Fire Formation" Spells/Traps you control to the GY; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior monsters with the same ATK from your Deck, in face-up Defense Position.

                                        1 cardBujinki Amaterasu 1 cardBujinki Amaterasu
                                        Bujinki Amaterasu
                                        Bujinki Amaterasu
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2600

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 2500

                                        3 Level 4 monsters You can only control 1 "Bujinki Amaterasu". Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; apply this effect, depending on whose turn it is. ● Your turn: Target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower monsters; Special Summon that target. ● Your opponent's turn: Target 1 of your banished Level 4 or lower monsters; add that target to your hand.

                                        1 cardBujintei Kagutsuchi 1 cardBujintei Kagutsuchi
                                        Bujintei Kagutsuchi
                                        Bujintei Kagutsuchi
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2500

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 2000

                                        2 Level 4 Beast-Warrior-Type monsters When this card is Xyz Summoned: Send the top 5 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard (or your entire Deck, if less than 5), also this card gains 100 ATK for each "Bujin" card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. If a "Bujin" Beast-Warrior-Type monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead of destroying 1 of those monsters. You can only control 1 "Bujintei Kagutsuchi".

                                        3 cardBujintei Susanowo 3 cardBujintei Susanowo
                                        Bujintei Susanowo
                                        Bujintei Susanowo
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2400

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1600

                                        2 Level 4 "Bujin" monsters This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; take 1 "Bujin" monster from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or send it to the Graveyard. You can only control 1 "Bujintei Susanowo".

                                        1 cardBujintei Tsukuyomi 1 cardBujintei Tsukuyomi
                                        Bujintei Tsukuyomi
                                        Bujintei Tsukuyomi
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 1800

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 2300

                                        2 Level 4 LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card; send your entire hand to the GY (min. 1), and if you do, draw 2 cards. When this card you controlled while face-up leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect: You can target Level 4 Beast-Warrior "Bujin" monsters in your GY, up to the number of Xyz Materials this card had on the field; Special Summon those targets. You can only control 1 "Bujintei Tsukuyomi".

                                        1 cardConstellar Omega 1 cardConstellar Omega
                                        Constellar Omega
                                        Constellar Omega
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2400

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 500

                                        2 Level 4 LIGHT monsters Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; all "Constellar" monsters you currently control are unaffected by Spell/Trap effects this turn.

                                        1 cardDiamond Dire Wolf 1 cardDiamond Dire Wolf
                                        Diamond Dire Wolf
                                        Diamond Dire Wolf
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2000

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1200

                                        2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

                                        1 cardEvilswarm Exciton Knight 1 cardEvilswarm Exciton Knight
                                        Evilswarm Exciton Knight
                                        Evilswarm Exciton Knight
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 1900

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 0

                                        2 Level 4 monsters Once per chain, during your Main Phase or your opponent's Battle Phase, if your opponent has more total cards in their hand and field than you do (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card; destroy all other cards on the field, also your opponent takes no further damage this turn.

                                        1 cardGagaga Cowboy 1 cardGagaga Cowboy
                                        Gagaga Cowboy
                                        Gagaga Cowboy
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 1500

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 2400

                                        2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; apply this effect, depending on this card's current battle position. ● Attack Position: If this card attacks an opponent's monster this turn, it gains 1000 ATK, also the opponent's monster loses 500 ATK, during the Damage Step only. ● Defense Position: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent.

                                        1 cardNumber 101: Silent Honor ARK 1 cardNumber 101: Silent Honor ARK
                                        Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
                                        Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2100

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1000

                                        2 Level 4 monsters You can detach 2 materials from this card, then target 1 Special Summoned monster your opponent controls in face-up Attack Position; attach it to this card as material. You can only use this effect of "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK" once per turn. If this face-up card on the field would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can detach 1 material from this card instead.

                                        1 cardNumber 50: Blackship of Corn 1 cardNumber 50: Blackship of Corn
                                        Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                                        Number 50: Blackship of Corn
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2100

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1500

                                        2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to this card's; send it to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.

                                        1 cardPhoton Papilloperative 1 cardPhoton Papilloperative
                                        Photon Papilloperative
                                        Photon Papilloperative
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2100

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1800

                                        2 Level 4 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Defense Position monster on the field; change it to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, it loses 600 ATK.

                                        1 cardStarliege Paladynamo 1 cardStarliege Paladynamo
                                        Starliege Paladynamo
                                        Starliege Paladynamo
                                        • ATK:

                                        • 2000

                                        • DEF:

                                        • 1000

                                        2 Level 4 LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; change its ATK to 0, and if you do, it has its effects negated. If this card you control is destroyed by an opponent's card (by battle or card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Draw 1 card.

                                        BUJIN Decks in OCG
