Instructions on the rules of Rush Duel!

Instructions on the rules of Rush Duel!

Rush Duel ? Yes, you heard right! A new game format that adult players like us call "Children's Cards" has now been released and is widely available in Duel Links - A game for Yu-Gi-Oh lovers. Like a quick Duel game.

And in fact, this is a Duel format for all ages and speeds up Duel to the maximum! And today's article from YGO Vietnam will help you understand more about Rush Duel and its rules!

There may be many objections that are difficult to accept, but hopefully after this article, when you understand the rules of the game, you will accept Rush Duel more!

Overview Introduction

Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel is a special card game format. The Rush Duel rules are designed to be a simplified version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! The card game was officially launched to appeal to a younger audience, although the original aim was to reach all ages.

Rush Duel was first released in Japan in April 2020 and appears in the anime and manga of both Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS and Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH !!

Rush Duel was introduced worldwide with the release of the video game Yu-Gi-Oh! RUSH DUEL: Dawn of the Battle Royale!! , as well as the September 2023 update for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links .

Basic law

Rush Duel has its own operating mechanism and set of rules although sharing some similarities with older formats such as Speed ​​Duel, TCG, OCG,...:
  1. Deck size : 40 to 60 cards (30 cards in Duel Links )
  2. Start hand : 4 cards - First turn can draw 1 more card
  3. Starting Life Points: 8000 (6000 in Duel Links )


  1. Draw Phase : If your hand has less than 5 cards, you can draw until you have 5 cards - BUT if your hand has 5 cards or more, you can only draw 1 card as usual
  2. There is NO limit to how many cards are in hand
  3. The Deck out rule still applies as usual BUT if your Deck is less than 5 cards and in the next Draw Phase (assuming the current hand is less than 5 cards), you cannot draw 5 more cards => You will lose the match
  4. Fun fact : if in Duel Links format, Rush Duel can only Duel up to your turn 6 (depending on the situation) because the hand refresh rule applies in each Draw Phase and the Deck can only contain 30 cards...
  5. Unlimited summons (whether Normal/Set/Tribute Summon)
  6. Another basic rule in Duel Links is that you can NOT use chars in SEVEN World to farm other chars in other Worlds.

Illustrating images

Illustrating images


Illustrating images

Illustrating images


Illustrating images

Illustrating images


Illustrating images

Illustrating images


Rush Duel's Field design

Rush Duel's Field design

The interesting thing about Rush Duel makes it easy to integrate into Duel Links as a game screen, especially there is a Field identical to Speed ​​Duel :
  • Yellow zone – Monster Zone
  • Mint green zone – Spell & Trap Zone
  • Brown Area (Right) –Main Deck
  • Gray area – Graveyard
  • Green area – Field Spell Zone
  • Brown area (Left) – Extra Deck Zone

Phases in Rush Duel

To increase the speed of Rush Duel to the maximum, we can see that some Phases will be removed such as Standby Phase , Main Phase 2
  1. Draw Phase
  2. Main Phase
  3. Battle Phase
  4. End Phase
  5. (Your opponent's turn)

Types of cards in Rush Duel

This is probably also a quite important part for you to better understand how these new cards work


Rush Duel cards use a new layout that is intended to be simple to understand and visually appealing. The layout differences between the cards from Rush Duel and OCG/TCG include:
  • Extremely large image frames and text effect frames.
  • The Level value is changed to display a number on the image of the Level star.
  • The Level value, along with the ATK and DEF values, is moved above the "Type" line, slightly covering the bottom of the card illustration.
  • In the middle part of Maximum Monster , the MAXIMUM ATK value is printed above its ATK and DEF values ​​(i.e. Maximum Monster usually comes with 3 cards, each representing 3 parts - Left, Middle, Right; part middle - Middle, will carry MAXIMUM ATK)
  • On Spell & Trap, the card type line is moved below the card illustration, where the "Type" line is on Monster Cards.
  • The cards all have the words " RUSH DUEL " printed on the base.


  • Card effects list the activation conditions and costs on a separate line (indicated by "[REQUIREMENT]") from the rest of the effects for easier understanding.
  • [REQUIREMENT] and [EFFECT] of the card are considered to occur (resovle) at the same time. If the [REQUIREMENT] and [EFFECT] of the last card used meet the Trap Card's activation requirements, that Trap can be activated without missing time.

Examples of Rush Monsters

UR Rarity
Sevens Road Magician
UR Rarity
Sevens Road Magician
Sevens Road Magician
Sevens Road Magician
  • ATK:

  • 2100

  • DEF:

  • 1500

[REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] This card gains ATK equal to [the number of different Attributes in your Graveyard] x 300, until the end of this turn.

UR Rarity
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
UR Rarity
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
Multistrike Dragon Dragias
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 1500

[REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] This turn, if this card destroyed a monster by battle, it can make a second attack during that Battle Phase.

SR Rarity
Sevens Road Witch
SR Rarity
Sevens Road Witch
Sevens Road Witch
Sevens Road Witch
  • ATK:

  • 1600

  • DEF:

  • 1000

[REQUIREMENT] Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher, DARK Attribute, Spellcaster Type monster from your hand, face-up to your field. If you Special Summoned "Sevens Road Magician" by this effect, this card gains 400 ATK until the end of this turn.

UR Rarity
Ancient Arise Dragon
UR Rarity
Ancient Arise Dragon
Ancient Arise Dragon
Ancient Arise Dragon
  • ATK:

  • 2400

  • DEF:

  • 1600

[REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] This card gains 600 ATK until the end of this turn. If you have "Clear Ice Dragon" and "Burning Blaze Dragon" in your Graveyard, you can also shuffle both into the Deck. If you do, you can destroy 1 face-up monster with 1500 or less DEF on your opponent's field.

  • The Level value is changed to display a number on the image of the Level star.
  • The Level value, along with the ATK and DEF values, is moved above the "Type" line, slightly covering the bottom of the card illustration.
  • Monster effects on the field can only be activated once per turn while face-up on the field, similar to a card in the TCG/OCG stating " Once per turn ". This also applies to the Multi-Choice Effect.
  • There are three types of monster effects: Basic Effects , Continuous Effects , and Multiple Choice Effects ; Monster effect types are indicated by text on the card. Basic Effects and Multi-Choice Effects work like Ignition Effects in the TCG/OCG.

Spell & Trap example

Wind Spirit's Protection
Wind Spirit's Protection
Wind Spirit's Protection
Spell Normal
Wind Spirit's Protection

    [REQUIREMENT] Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] 1 face-up Spellcaster Type monster on your field gains 1000 ATK until the end of the turn.

    Dragon Encounter
    Dragon Encounter
    Dragon Encounter
    Trap Normal
    Dragon Encounter

      [REQUIREMENT] When your opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster. [EFFECT] Special Summon 1 Dragon Type monster from your hand face-up to your field.

      SR Rarity
      SR Rarity
      Spell Field

        [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] While this card is face-up in the Field Zone, face-up Dragon, Winged Beast, and Thunder Type monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF.

        Road Arms - Sevens Lance
        Road Arms - Sevens Lance
        Road Arms - Sevens Lance
        Spell Equip
        Road Arms - Sevens Lance

          [REQUIREMENT] If you have no other face-up "Road Arms - Sevens Lance" on your field, equip this card to 1 face-up "Sevens Road Magician" on your field. [EFFECT] The equipped monster gains ATK equal to [the number of different Attributes in your Graveyard] x 400 and cannot be destroyed by your opponent's Trap Card effects.

          • On Spell & Trap, the card type line is moved below the card illustration, where the "Type" line is on Monster Cards.
          • Spell Cards include Normal Spell , Field Spell , and Equip Spell . The only T rap Card is Normal Trap .
          • Chaining does not occur. If two or more Trap Cards meet the activation requirements, only one card can be activated. The player not taking a turn chooses first whether to activate the Trap or not. If not, the player in that turn can choose whether to activate Trap or not (Basically, if Trap activates on your turn, opp's Trap will go first and then your turn and vice versa)

          Rush Fusion Monster examples

          Thousand Dragon
          Thousand Dragon
          Thousand Dragon
          WIND 7
          Thousand Dragon
          • ATK:

          • 2400

          • DEF:

          • 2000

          "Time Wizard" + "Baby Dragon"

          Kimeterasu the Divine Luna
          Kimeterasu the Divine Luna
          Kimeterasu the Divine Luna
          LIGHT 9
          Kimeterasu the Divine Luna
          • ATK:

          • 3000

          • DEF:

          • 3000

          "Kimeruler the Dark Raider" + "Needlkyrie the Celestial Seamstress" [REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. [Multi-Choice Effect] ● Up to 2 face-up monsters on your field can attack directly this turn. ● This card gains 1000 ATK until the end of your opponent's next turn.

          Fearstute Followl
          Fearstute Followl
          Fearstute Followl
          LIGHT 7
          Fearstute Followl
          • ATK:

          • 2700

          • DEF:

          • 1300

          "Followl of the Fornether" + "Followl of the Dark Wisdom" [REQUIREMENT] During your Main Phase that you Fusion Summoned this card. [EFFECT] Special Summon 1 Fiend Type monster from your Graveyard face-up to your field.

          Five-Headed Dragon
          Five-Headed Dragon
          Five-Headed Dragon
          DARK 12
          Five-Headed Dragon
          • ATK:

          • 5000

          • DEF:

          • 5000

          5 Dragon Type monsters Must be Fusion Summoned. [REQUIREMENT] None [CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a DARK, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, or WIND Attribute monster.

          N Rarity
          N Rarity
          Spell Normal

            [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] Fusion Summon by sending face-up monsters from your field to the Graveyard as material.

            Spell Normal

              [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] Fusion Summon by sending monsters from your hand and/or field to the Graveyard as material.

              • The main Fusion Summon method is through " Fusion " Spell Cards instead of the usual " Polymerization ", with " Polymerization " acting as the Legend Card .
              • Some Fusion Monsters have new Types not present in the TCG/OCG, presented as "combinations" of their Fusion Material Types. These Fusion Monsters can have Multiple Choice Effects , allowing the player to choose between one of two bullet effects (●) that have the same activation requirements.
              • The summoning conditions as well as the Fusion Material are listed above [REQUIREMENT] and [EFFECT].

              Legend Card example

              UR Rarity
              Dark Magician
              UR Rarity
              Dark Magician
              Dark Magician
              DARK 7
              Dark Magician
              • ATK:

              • 2500

              • DEF:

              • 2100

              The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

              Blue-Eyes White Dragon
              Blue-Eyes White Dragon
              Blue-Eyes White Dragon
              LIGHT 8
              Blue-Eyes White Dragon
              • ATK:

              • 3000

              • DEF:

              • 2500

              This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale.

              Mirror Force
              Mirror Force
              Mirror Force
              Trap Normal
              Mirror Force

                [REQUIREMENT] When an opponent's monster declares an attack. [EFFECT] Destroy all Attack Position monsters on your opponent's field.

                Spell Normal

                  [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] Fusion Summon by sending monsters from your hand and/or field to the Graveyard as material.

                  Some cards are specifically marked as Legend Cards . A Deck can contain up to 1 Legend Card of each card type (Monster, Spell and Trap).

                  Example of MAXIMUM Card

                  R Rarity
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
                  R Rarity
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
                  LIGHT 10
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor
                  • Max ATK:

                  • 4000

                  • ATK:

                  • 2000

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  You can Maximum Summon this card together with "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [L]" and "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor [R]". [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode [CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's Trap Card effects.

                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
                  LIGHT 4
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (L)
                  • ATK:

                  • 900

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] Destroy 1 face-up Level 8 or lower monster on your opponent's field.

                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (R)
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (R)
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (R)
                  LIGHT 7
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (R)
                  • ATK:

                  • 1500

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode: Send 3 cards from your hand to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] This turn, this card gains 1000 ATK, and if it attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage (if the ATK of the attacking monster exceeds the DEF of the attack target, inflict the difference).

                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (L)
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (L)
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (L)
                  LIGHT 7
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst (L)
                  • ATK:

                  • 1500

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode: Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] This card can make 3 attacks on monsters this turn. Shuffle this card into the Deck during the End Phase of this turn.

                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
                  LIGHT 3
                  Yggdrago the Sky Emperor (R)
                  • ATK:

                  • 600

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] Change 1 Defense Position monster on your opponent's field to face-up Attack Position.

                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst
                  LIGHT 10
                  Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst
                  • Max ATK:

                  • 3500

                  • ATK:

                  • 2000

                  • DEF:

                  • 0

                  You can Maximum Summon this card together with "Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst [L]" and "Great Multistrike Dragon Dragias Burst [R]". [REQUIREMENT] Maximum Mode [CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's Trap Card effects.

                  • Rush Duel has a type of Monster Card that is currently exclusive to it: Maximum Monster , which includes three specific monsters that can be Maximum Summoned as a single monster.
                  • In the middle of Maximum Monster , the Maximum ATK value is printed above its ATK and DEF values.
                  • If the player has three specific Maximum Monsters in hand, they can Maximum Summon them together in Maximum Mode; as this is a form of Special Summon, no sacrifice is required even if one of the Maximum Monsters is Level 5 or higher. However, if the player already controls one or more monsters then they must send them to the GY as part of Maximum Summon .

                  Special cases

                  Below are a few cases you will likely wonder about when you encounter them:

                  Fusion and Polymerization (Example 1)

                  N Rarity
                  N Rarity
                  Spell Normal

                    [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] Fusion Summon by sending face-up monsters from your field to the Graveyard as material.

                    Spell Normal

                      [REQUIREMENT] None [EFFECT] Fusion Summon by sending monsters from your hand and/or field to the Graveyard as material.

                      As mentioned above:
                      • The main Fusion Summon method is through " Fusion " Spell Cards instead of the usual " Polymerization ", with " Polymerization " acting as the Legend Card .
                      Thus, it can be seen that if we use the card " Fusion ", we can only use face-up monsters on the field to make Fusion Materials, completely different from " Polymerization ".

                      Acetic Acid and Trap Hole, Psychic and Trap Hole and Trap Hole (Example 2)

                      Acetic Acid Trap Hole
                      Acetic Acid Trap Hole
                      Acetic Acid Trap Hole
                      Trap Normal
                      Acetic Acid Trap Hole

                        [REQUIREMENT] When your opponent Normal Summons a Level 3 or lower Effect Monster. [EFFECT] Destroy that monster.

                        Psychic Trap Hole
                        Psychic Trap Hole
                        Psychic Trap Hole
                        Trap Normal
                        Psychic Trap Hole

                          [REQUIREMENT] When your opponent Normal Summons a Level 5 or higher monster while you have 2 or more face-up Psychic Type monsters on your field. [EFFECT] Destroy that Normal Summoned monster.

                          Trap Hole
                          Trap Hole
                          Trap Hole
                          Trap Normal
                          Trap Hole

                            [REQUIREMENT] When your opponent Normal Summons a monster with 1000 or more ATK. [EFFECT] Destroy that monster.

                            Flip Summon does not exist, with OCG cards imported into Rush Duel that mention them (such as " Trap Hole ") will have the text related to Flip Summon removed from the effect text of them.

                            Cannon Soldier (Example 3)

                            Cannon Soldier
                            Cannon Soldier
                            Cannon Soldier
                            DARK 4
                            Cannon Soldier
                            • ATK:

                            • 1400

                            • DEF:

                            • 1300

                            [REQUIREMENT] Send 1 monster on your field to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] Inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

                            The term "Tribute" is exclusive to Tribute Summon , with OCG cards imported into Rush Duel that mention them (such as " Cannon Soldie r ") having the term replaced previously to Send from field to GY in their effect content.

                            Tribute to The Doomed (Example 4)

                            Tribute to The Doomed
                            Tribute to The Doomed
                            Tribute to The Doomed
                            Spell Normal
                            Tribute to The Doomed

                              [REQUIREMENT] Send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. [EFFECT] Destroy 1 monster on the field.

                              The term " Discard " does not exist, with OCG cards imported into Rush Duel that mention them (such as " Tribute to The Doomed ") having the term replaced as Send from hand to GY in their effect content.


                              *All information sources in the article are compiled and referenced from the following sources: ,

                              And that's all the knowledge about the rules of the game as well as information about Rush Duel! How do you feel? Rush Duel isn't that difficult, right??? For me personally, when Rush Duel enters Duel Links, I feel like the game speed has been pushed to the maximum, as well as not having to wait for long moves from the opponent anymore, the game also becomes more fun and we can enjoy it again. Have more resources to farm more Gems :D Anyway, it's beneficial for the player!

                              So what about you? What do you think about Rush Duel? If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact YGO Vietnam !

                              Companion unit:

                              - Yu-Gi-Oh! Guidance Vietnam
